You’re making me realize it’s probably be 10 years since I last watched O (which would have been for a college course on Shakespeare Adaptations). Might have to access it again.
You’re making me realize it’s probably be 10 years since I last watched O (which would have been for a college course on Shakespeare Adaptations). Might have to access it again.
Since you haven’t seen it, I won’t expound upon that except to say that the power of the scene isn’t connected with gore (if it helps?). But the scene unfolds in ways that are both visually and psychologically fascinating and unsettling. I don’t know if that makes it better??
Since I watch a lot of horror, it can sometimes take a bit to truly unsettle me.* But one particular moment that unsettled me (and there were several) was [SPOILERS] when Chris has clearly had enough “mingling” with all of the party-goers and climbs the stairs to get to his room/phone/away from everyone. The people in…
The car’s sirens made my stomach drop, too!!! I was afraid it was going to be a contemporary take on the ending of George A. Romero’s original Night of the Living Dead (SPOILERS: Where the film’s African American protagonist, Ben, makes it through the long night of the farm house in which he and other survivors are…
One of the things I found intriguing about your #2 (unless I misheard/watched) is that Chris seems to get a critical vibe from the maid, which he seems to interpret as the hot topic about black women and interracial dating criticism directed at black men. But when we learn about Rose acting as bait to lure in African…
We should be internet friends and have internet happy hours over relationship struggles. My boyfriend (we’ve been together for a long time) is white and originally from Europe, so while he’s lived in the states for longer than he lived at home (in terms of having an American education and whatnot), his…
I don’t know which essay in particular kathleenturneroverdrive4-0 is going to offer, but I’m going to jump in and at least share this:
Your comment earned a hearty snort from me.
I still highly prefer Pharrell’s “Happy” from Despicable Me 2 to “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” in terms of upbeat dance songs featured in animated movies for which the music videos are a bunch of different types of people dancing. Plus “Happy” still makes me want to groove in my seat. “Can’t Stop the Feeling” just makes…
Can I unsee what was done there? ...No? Fine, this wins both my star and a gag reflex from a poorly-timed sip from my tea.
I literally just learned this rule within the past month or so because of a blog post. Usually, I’m pretty good with grammar and such, but affect/effect is one of the rules I can never remember (also see: who vs that). My life is now changed for the better!!!
I can’t answer your question about the youth, but I’m in my early 30s and saw it late in elementary school and it’s definitely been a part of my life. Aren’t the kids nowadays reliving 90s fads as their retro go-to? If that’s the case, I’m not sure if Goonies would have made it for them by default of it representing…
What might help (from what I can tell anyways) is that because it’s FPS, sometimes the motions that you do will actually render your arms as clearly disembodied (aka Rayman-styled floating arms). That could be creepy on the one hand, but maybe helpful for keeping perspective on the other?
I’ve watched different play throughs of the game up to a point and while I think I’d find the sneaking-around-the-creepy-estates aspect to be dread-inducing (some of the property is pretty nasty, especially with certain monsters spawning as they do), the Baker family really does offset the fear I’d have because THEY…
Pyschadelicsnake is playing it on VR. I’m not sure if he’ll do the entire game (I hope so), but he’s one of the YouTube gamers who’s done horror for a long while and I’ve liked a lot of his play throughs. (I’ve tried Markiplier, but his shrieking can bust my ear drums enough that I lose interest :-/)
The minute the election results came in, I sent my passport off to be renewed (it had expired earlier in 2016, and I had been planning to fix that at some point, but without any immediate travel needs, I’d been slow to do anything about it). Got it back within a pretty quick-to-me turnaround time in December. So I’m…
I missed that story run, but considering that Marcie is the only one who can speak French fluently when the kids study abroad in Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don’t Come Back), this makes sense.
I’ve see the original and remakes (or are they sequels? It’s been a while...I’ll just say the “recent” ones) of TCM. In retrospect, I don’t think I’ve seen the original HHE. It’s on my list, but not prioritized high enough for me to remember unless it’s triggered by something (compared to, let’s say, Suspira being on…
I have some feelings similar to yours—I’ve sorta-kinda kept up with the RE franchise, so I’m curious about where this one would go. But the demo definitely gave off a “RE in name, something probably very different in execution” vibe that seems to have carried as a through line to the final product. I’m more likely to…
I started the series at Re2 as a teenager. I don’t know that I found in “scary” in the sense of being afraid a zombie was really going to pop out from behind my garage, but it did leave me on edge such that my house creaking while I played would startle me in general. And in retrospect, I blame the RCPD headquarters…