
Jesus. I'm long legged, too, so the search for actually long pants makes me depressed. Especially since I am coming to a point where the jeans I've worn the past several years (aka "yay, I don't have to buy new jeans, I can just keep wearing these!") will soon reach a point where they're too worn out to be useful

It's reassuring to see this photo b/c I'm 5'10 and practically all of my (female) friends are shorter than me, so when I'm actually aware of it, I can feel a bit like a giant. And if it's one of those off days (aka "wah, I'm stressed, I hate my hair, nothing fits right), the giant feeling can make me feel like I'm

Not backwards, I just said that awkwardly. By "height in action," I meant Kerry's short and the picture shows her height in action next to someone else who's tall who's not Tony (I can't remember the height distribution among the gladiator team—if everyone's relatively the same or if she's still seemingly shorter—b/c

Watching the show, I have the occasionally strong "Wow, there's a height difference" when I see Olivia and Fitz doing their I-love-you-let's-make-out-I-hate-you thing. And I just assumed it's because Tony is tall in real life. But looking at the FLOTUS and Kerry next to each other (is the FLOTUS barefoot or no?), I'm

Dagnabbit, I was doing so well forgetting that Rebecca Black's "Friday" was something that ever existed. And then I had to keep watching the video above. Dagnabbit!

I remember thinking "Hmm, psychoanalyzing the monster as a man-made monster. ...This could be interesting or it could warp what makes Michael scary." I wouldn't have minded Zombie's first movie (I thought his sequel was pretty blargh) had kid/actual human-seeming Michael not felt disconnected from Michael-the-killer.

I'd assume this could be said for romcoms and indy movies, but I don't know as much about those so I'll stick with horror. Horror movies are also typically made for much, much lower budgets than the major summer blockbuster/action movies like Avengers; so it's also considerably much easier for movie studios to make

Mallory's willing to kill a person to keep her various sex tapes from leaking to the public. And when someone gets between her and her day caps/night caps/afternoon caps, she's willing to cut a fool. I can't recall Lucille resorting to violence herself. HOWEVER, considering how she's more subtle and conniving with her

It looked like the teen romance subplot was happening between the teen male and the cute blonde girl who happens to be the actress who plays Alexis Castle (Nathan Fillion's character Rick Castle's daughter), who is totally sweet-seeming and adorable and awesome and I want to be her friend.

Agreed—not a fan of how the top fits from the front at least—it seems a little ill fit from the one "SWISH MAH SKIRT" photo. I do like the top from the back, though. And I like the fabric/texture of the top. But it's all about the skirt. Ye gads.

I am actually intrigued by this because it's Gargoyles and enough said. But having said that, I'm not sure I'm prepared for the possible smut that could be involved because it's Gargoyles.

I like Vampire Diaries fanfiction. Because Damon.

I'm the same way!!! Sometimes I'll read more salacious fanfic, but most of my reading is what you said—either alternative story arcs to established canon, or non-canon stories that are either fun adventures or even the characters doing mundane/more normal stuff or crazy wackadoo stuff that's not too OOC.

I want the orange number. Love the pattern and the cut looks like it would perfectly cover the areas I'd like to cover up.

Holy $%^@, that's just plain wrong!!!!

Okay, that was adorable. And a much needed adorable moment at the end of the work day.

I can't pinpoint what it is about her voice on this track, either, but I don't like its sound. Can't do it.

That was Anastasia, which was a Don Bluth animated movie (think Land Before Time, An American Tail, Thumbelina, Rock-a-Doodle).

What I like about this nicely-timed "leak"/release is it seems like a nice counter to Taylor Swift's "22," which is a catchy song, but I do feel a little odd listening to it at 28. Part of that is that I still consider myself young (b/c I am!), but listening to that song actually makes me feel weird. Not necessarily