
YES. I would do these things with you.

This is a point that I'm glad you've made. I can't stand Tyler Perry movies either, but he's got a presence in Hollywood b/c he's got his pockets open in a market that's otherwise void of anyone else bothering to make movies featuring people of color in leading roles (I don't know if I'd call his movies rom-coms

Horror movies. But those are still typically the "Final Girl" characters who most of the horrific/supernatural crap happens to, so we see her victimized or struggle for dominance for the longest stretch of time until she (1) survives, (2) dies. It's a shift in how the gaze functions, whether with an assumedly female

Can you and I (and Kataclysm can come too) have a movie night where we watch 27 Dresses drunk and berate the shit out of it? Because that movie filled me with so much rage when I watched it. And I haven't encountered anyone who understands why that movie deserves so much rage. Seriously. Any mention of the title in my

Win. Good lord, I even remember the episode this is from.

She's a beautiful woman, I definitely agree there.

Plus I don't like it when folks wear clothing that's pretty much the same color as their skin tone. Had that dress been in a different color, I'd possibly like it. But as is? No. And it doesn't help that she's not wearing any jewelry to add a pop here or there.

It's definitely an adjustment. Like you, my bf and I were long distant for four years—> he was just starting a 4-year grad program when we met, and I entered my own 2-year grad program while we dated, and we were always 2 hours away from each other and saw each other one weekend every 3-4 weeks. When he finished and

I had a very strong, "What is he wearing? A polka tie with a plaid shirt and a different polka dotted suspenders? ...Whaaaa." But then Harrison speaks and I float away.

I like Quinn. I was a little meh about her in the beginning when she was a newbie in the way a lot of the time. But I also really like her friendship with Huck. When they pulled up to a family's house and Quinn said she didn't think the family was Huck's type and Huck said that no, the family was for her? I was

Where the heck is Shana?!?! OVERSIGHT!!

This is my answer, too. I can imagine hitting some clubs and dancing and drinking with Rebel and it'd be no drama and all awesome. I can imagine night-in hilarity with Jennifer, including maybe some prank phone calling and MST3K movie watching.

It still boggles my mind that he actually called his penis racist in an interview. He thought it'd be okay to say that to a person. I mean really. Though I'm also glad he was stupid enough to confess such a thing so that now I'm/we're in the know.

I can only play it with a group of friends to find it enjoyable. The dbaggery has lessened with time and their honor system so I've noticed I don't encounter as much sexism, racism, and ignorance of other sorts as I used to. But people can take it really, really seriously, and while I'm a competitive person with some

I dislike Snow White as a Disney princess, but I am in love with this Prom dress interpretation, as well as your analysis, LaComtesse.

Agreed on both fronts. Really tall Stitch?! Yikes!! Though they'd totally cut a rug, so long as he kept his temper in check. YES to Robin Hood and Maid Marian dancing!

I am SO MAD about this week's Vampire Diaries episode. SO. MAD. *SPOILERY RANT*


I'm with you on this, though I personally amend your comment to my own situation to say, "The dirt/pollen-covered world that I live in does not want me to have clean white pants/upholstery, etc." I take public transportation for work, and I do. not. trust sitting somewhere with the potential for smutz landing right on

This article's comment section is melting me into a puddle of goo. And/or making me want to run outside and either (1) catch a tiny bunny, (2) nose snuggle a tiny puppy, (3) find Nathan Fillion and invite him for mimosas. Instead, I have to work in my windowless office for the next batch of hours. Sigh. Thank you for