
In looking at the DOTA site, yeah, it and LoL definitely have similar enough flavors to make you expect they're connected. I'd have to look into some gameplay vids to get a better sense of the game, but thanks for the suggestion!

Steam name is Oneiropoli, if you are ever on. Get a mouse already! Or ask for one for some upcoming gift-giving event (birthday, Valentine's Day, a solstice, etc.)!!

My LoL user name is Chloe Veverka. I'm also at level 30, but I'm really really not, haha. I've regained an interest in the game and recognize that I need to do some bot gaming for a while to actual learn how to strategize before I feel like I can play comfortably. It's interesting because there are some games where my

I think my last Doritos munching was last summer at a picnic thingie where someone else had brought them. Hadn't thought about it until this commercial. Something about the crunching of the chips...I actually feel a little inclined to get a bag (only to then swiftly realize there's a reason why I rarely buy them,

A lot of your response is why after I got my M.A. two years ago, I did apply to several adjunct positions in areas close to my family's house, or in neighboring cities where the cost of living would be equal to/less than the rural area where I got my M.A., but I also applied to jobs across other industries in which I

Gamer Jezzies, anyone play L4D, L4D2, or League of Legends? If so, I have a few questions:

Any suggestions for fun, good multiplayer (or, at least, two player) games that are FPS or similar? Best friend and I love playing L4Ds and Dead Island, and I'm looking for something else along a similar line. No military strategies (not into CoD).

I'm with you. I don't even know where to begin to comment when it comes to articles that raise sexist behavior towards gamers because there are so many commenters who either don't understand that something is inappropriate without becoming defensive (and oftentimes are sexist themselves, further perpetuating the

I had a severe moment of "Oh Lawd, this is another reason why I hate January. Not only is it Hella cold and bleak looking outside (seasonal affective disorder can hit me hard), but it's also the month when many of the people decide they need to lose weight, which makes it (a) suck for people who regularly hit the gym

I zoned out and was just staring at this gif for a minute or so and I got increasing jeebied out. What's this from? (To counteract being freaked out by her face, I then ended up overfocusing on the bug that zips by in the background. Maybe I should go to bed...)

I really love the coach tour dress. So much so that I may own it in...oh God...six versions? Geez, it may be seven. I'm the same height as you, also leggy—I'll have to try their tights.

Thanks for the anecdote. And as Diziet Sma says, that helps put some things into perspective.

I didn't know the movie was based off of a source material until I happened upon an opportunity to write an academic-y article over the summer, and I read through a bunch of Matheson's work in order to do so. My first thought had been Rock-em Sock-ems before having the "a-ha, adapted from a story, how did I not assume

I'd be curious about what's taught in journalism schools nowadays. When I decided to go back to school for a Master's I applied for English programs and a few journalism programs, thinking the latter would give me some great editing, writing, and research skills that would be different enough from my English skills to

The face Stewart makes in the gif is wondrous. He also looks like a character from Fantastic Mr. Fox. Anyone else see that?

As long as it's safe sex. Last thing one would probably want is an unplanned pregnancy during the zombie apocalypse. And/or STD contraction. Just ask Lori from The Walking Dead! (on the former issue; can't speak on her behalf on the latter)

One major thing I really liked about that DC episode is that it was a great representation of the Dawson-Joey-Pacey triangle before Pacey really became a factor, and shows the flaw in Dawson & Joey's relationship. Dawson starts to balk when he learns that Joey wants to study abroad in France, and that forces him to

Aww, but Cameron Diaz hasn't really done anything wrong within the past year or so, has she? I give her a pass—Aniston, too, if only b/c I get as tired hearing Hollywood play the "Poor Aniston, she'll never get over Brad Pitt's immaculate happiness and she'll die a lonely spinster" attitude as Aniston must feel living

When I get into moods to watch the show (I bought the DVDs before Netflix was a thing), I really don't care to listen to the theme song. So I'll mute it and sing "I Don't Wanna Wait" over the credits. Or, if I can't find the remote, I sing "I Don't Wanna Wait" really really loudly.