
American McGee's Alice is what you're talking about—the sequel that came out this year (I believe) is Alice: Madness Returns. It's very much a platform game that can feel redundant, but the visuals of a Wonderland that is literal and metaphorical madness is really cool.

One of my goals in the new year is to seriously tone up, especially the thighs. The amount of squats and jumping jacks that I will be doing is goal might be reached by February! ...Maybe March!

Ohh, right, good catch.

A number of songs turned out that way for me in choir. Never seen Cats, but that "Midnight" song haunts me.

Oh geez, you're right—you reminded me of that stint she did during the college years when Chad Michael Murray was on as a womanizing musician in a band. Thankfully, I don't remember what song she butchered. So that's a plus.

I truly appreciate your condolences. It's something I've been trying to overcome for years, and some occasions are better than others.

I haven't read the story. I haven't seen any productions of it. My only context is having been exposed to certain songs because I've been in choruses and choirs since elementary school—so I've had to listen/watch girls sing "On My Own" several, several times as part of medleys and solos for concerts. And Miss

I snorted a little bit of water onto my keyboard. That's gross. But I thank you all the same.

Oh man, I should've watched it with Rifftrax. It was torture without it. I think I started falling asleep during the first part of the movie until that fade to black screen suddenly came back with birds in the sky kamikaze bombing everything. Then my interest perked up. Then that same interest was divebombed by an

It grows on you. The first ep was okay—tosses you into gear straight on. And then there's something about the second or third ep, and the way the characters are laid out for you, that makes you start to be interested in the team. I actually didn't like all of the characters out of the gate; by second season, I care

I won't speak to credibility, but I don't know how I feel about the assassination attempt plot because I think having such a serious situation hit at midway season 2 is turning the drama notch up too high too early on the show. Once it's resolved, my thinking is: "Well, what can they do to top that? I can't really

This is an example of a similar but slightly different angle to the way Americans view themselves internally broken down by race/class/gender, and how they view the world outside of their microcosm. Reports of a man in a Chinese village who went on a stabbing spree that hurt a lot of primary schoolchildren the same

Here's my rationalization. No one of any clout on that show had a normal hair color (okay, except Jerrika I guess—but even she was Jem a good chunk of the time—the Holograms and the Misfits had teased up/extreme colored styles); the only one that comes to mind is the evil Misfit manager and, well, he's evil! It'd make

Don't you say such mean things, Meredith, don't you dare!

...Yeah, this is about right! Though I've been told this is what happens in the book? (I haven't read the book—was planning on doing so during the holidays). So it's a faithful adaptation to that effect? Then again, I saw the movie having not read the books, so I was basing my opinion off of seeing the other LoTR

I just went on a mini rant in a separate thread, but I actually didn't mind Pacific Rim after Oblivion and After Earth. At least then, I get mecha vs kaiju blasting against each other. And Idris Elba. But yeah, even that will be a "a lot of people will technically be dying all over the place, but lookit the huge

If the apocalypse doesn't happen this Friday, I'm going to be over it by Christmas Eve. And yet, the fact that a bunch of sci fi/fantasy/horror movies (I'm aware of) coming out in 2013 are either apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic—-dark both figuratively and literally—-I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Star Trek,

I was a little surprised when they showed the trailers back-to-back during my screening of The Hobbit. I'd watched them separately and thought "Oh, okay. Two dark "Earth is Fucked" movies about human isolation. Literally seeing them back-to-back made that a stronger realization, though they are two different stories.

I'm finally putting in the time to try and read them for the first time and I'm 28. We'll see how far I get.

Perhaps, but I haven't read any of the books (I was just starting Fellowship when I was told I should really go with The Hobbit, so I'm about-facing), and I had similar gripes to Lindy's by watching the movie and basing my consumption of the movie from having seen the other movies. It feels long. There's a lot of "Oh