
The cardigan was really starting to annoy me for some reason. His shirts changed—I remember having a very acute "Oh hey, it's a plaid shirt for the finale" in my head, and then being weirded out that I had taken notice of that to begin with. Also, his glasses are Burberry.

I agree that I think it was more effective when we couldn't see what was happening. I found the ghoul kids following Ellison to be cheesy after the first girl jump scare—I think that also had to do with the pacing (that scene felt so long with each kid doing their own "I'm chasing you and now poof!" moment). The idea

I just KNEW it was coming the moment the sound editing got quiet (b/c when a horror movie gets quiet, best to watch out for loud jumpy noises!!), so I dug into my chair and half watched/half cowered. Still jumped upon impact, ugh.

I was thinking about this line of logic, too, which would only make sense if carried forward when Ellison promises that he's not going to write the book. He deletes the videos he'd saved on his computer. He showed signs he wasn't going to go through with it. So no story, no reason to keep him alive longer.

I love this version so very much. I discovered it at the same time I discovered Epic Sax Man. Loops of happiness and head nodding ensued for hours...

Can't unsee that now!

Is the film worth watching? I had to go on a Matheson reading spree recently, which included Hell House. I think it's on Netflix streaming...

I've been packing a sore throat the past two days, and reading that line made me both laugh out loud and hack up a bit of something unfortunate (TMI). Either way, I feel a little bit better, too.

I... I don't... I don't even.

Splice. Augh. That movie made me so uncomfortable in ways I really wasn't expecting.

Mini series would be a much better route to go than a movie. It's been a few years since I read the novel, but there's just no way I could imagine it told in meaningful way in 2-2.5 hours.

The quality seems too nice to be an urban dress. anthro would be more likely, but not sure...

I don't care for Taylor Swift, but I do love that yellow dress. Internet fashionistas, anybody got a designer's name to go with that dress?!? STAT!

I've got my plastic cup of chardonnay ready because I've learned from past experience that I should not drink from a glass while watching these things for fear that I will break the glass with my fist of female fury if I'm not careful.

The one you remember positively is actually on Netflix. I seriously dug that cartoon.

You need to write this. Go go go!

I just geeked out a little too hard seeing Levar Burton in a zombie movie—two of my favorite things! DVR will be in place to watch this before The Walking Dead on Sunday.

Really? I could see it with the hair and the look, but I haven't seen The Hour, and the clip above doesn't seem like a good audition for Spike. What's Whishaw got that he could bring to the Bebop train? (sincere question—I really love CB so I'm curious if I should take note of this actor.)

Plus it's not uncommon for facial hair to make a man seem older (regardless of whether there's gray/white in said hair).

Seriously. My eyes were drawn initially to the white soldier holding the leaves. Then I looked at all the native people (they're all across the background, not just in the corner) and had a "Yeaaaah...And their presence in this ad wouldn't have been considered a problem back when this ad ran. I hope that people would,