
Damnit, "Shop till you drop, then sit down and buy some shoes" is a T-shirt that my best friend and I need to wear when we go out. We're such horrible enablers for each other. I used to be the sage one that would always try to help her not kill her credit card. Then I realized that she and I like items from some of

Are you me? Because I think you are. I've tried downsizing my purses and guess what? They still end up with a lot of stuff in them. So I just deal.

Totally agreed. I think the "Memorial" episode's treatment of Elena's transitioning, and maybe the next few to come, will totally own how the Twilight series treated Bella's transitioning. Meyers makes becoming a vampire sound like the best thing in the world b/c Bella gets superpowers, super hotness (or, at least,

The Damon I saw in "Memorial" was a Damon that I've sorely missed—snarky, sarcastic, unapologetic, and yet sweet and caring. I laughed so many times because of the crap Damon was giving to different characters—the sheriff, Elena, Connor, his "F-off Stefan, I warned you" moments, his bittersweet chat with Ric's

One of the reasons why I've been Team Damon for this show is because of the flashback we saw in the premiere to the "I love you/Compel Time!" scene. When Damon says "I don't deserve you, but my brother does," it's not only squeal worthy (his voice cracks/gets husky/hoarse in a way that just melts my middle, TMI), but

But it's Damon who references the Ripper thing. Or maybe Stefan if he's having a particular "oh woe is me" moment that begs for Elena's approval/attention. Elena never mentions it. And she's probably the most important person who needs to acknowledge that Stefan may be concerned for others' welfare, but he also has a

No love for SPOILERS Alaric? I liked Alaric and was sad when he was killed off twice. Seeing the bromance between him and Damon was really entertaining, sweet, and endearing because it had this realistic "yeah, this is a f-ed up situation, lets plan over a drink" feel to it. And watching him die in Damon's arms, and

YES. And it bugs me to no end that they still give him the *eye rolls* "Oh Damon, you're just being an asshole" treatment because there's logic to his actions (although the times to be more cautionary are when he's really really emotionally driven and ready to throw anyone under the bus [for Elena]).

I'm quite fascinated by the idea of scouts whose genders literally change when they transform—let alone that they're stronger as their female selves than their male selves. I thought Uranus and Neptune were interesting additions to the Senshi story when I first learned about their actual relationship (vs the

So watching the clip made me realize that I haven't seen that last season of Sailor Moon in its entirety. Because I literally just stared at the screen upon learning Sailor Star Maker's attack being "Star Gentle Uterus." I mean... I don't even... What the hell? I can handle "laser" and "inferno" as attack

I'm glad this exists—no snark, no joke.

Haven't seen Teen Wolf but I do watch The Vampire Diaries and it is HELLA addicting in all its wacky drama antics with its hot beautiful cast of people. I agree with your statement.

I love your last sentence.

And Pres Obama's facial expression fits this Bill so perfectly!

Auuugh and tomorrow is only Wednesday? Fuuuuuuuuu...

Totally fair enough!

Yesss, thank you for posting this!!

Thanks. I really love that movie. And imagining Ms. Kahn's performance just seems too perfect for how I feel watching moments like this.

Ooh girl... I work for non-profit arts organization, so I'm fucked on a different level (read: I believe in the mission of my work, not the paycheck). And my team is the quirky nerdy alternative team that doesn't play by the otherwise more "traditional" values of the rest of the organization, so it works out in my

Which makes me wonder, is G.W. Bush basically Voldemort in the "He Who Must Not Be Named" kind of way? Because seriously, since he left office, it's like the powers that be have done everything to keep him out of the spotlight. And that one person's question about how Romney compares himself to G.W. Bush made me