
I'm just killing my first bottle. I have work in the morning and my co-workers and I are on the same political pathway. So I may crack open another bottle because I think they'd understand the catalyst for it.

I would totally rock it from now till Election Day.

Sadly, no. Romney mentioned "binders of women" when a young woman asked a question about the wage discrepancy between men and women in the country. Obama went into the question and talked about his plan about pay for women, about maintaining health care for women (because that comes out of the pocketbooks of the

I wish I was in your apartment because then we could be cheering and making your neighbors really really pissed off! Seriously, I am in awe of his ability to tap dance around legitimate answers.

Can someone please make "Binders of Women" a band name? Or an awesome catchy pop song? I'll even take a crazy metal single.

Romney keeps saying he's going to do things that will be better than Obama. But he hasn't given any concrete answers and I'm going insane. I need to drink my wine faster. Most of the stuff he says, I quickly follow up by yelling "HOW? HOW WILL YOU DO THESE THINGS?!?!" I hate his rhetoric so...much..Flames...on the

I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes "Stop with these "stories." I can make shit like this up, too. Give me numbers, facts, STATS!"

Perfect gif. MSNBC here too.

Preach girl. I had insidious cramps during the HS period days—and the cramps came in awful waves that would give me false hope that I'd be fine for a few minutes only to make me curl into a ball and be absolutely miserable. Plus the period lasted for a full week. Plus the flow was like a really twisted awful joke, and

Hmm, good call.

I really like the Zipperface. I have no idea who Zipperface is, but I like the aesthetic of the zipper on the face. And yet, now, my mind is thinking that this same aesthetic could be applied to create a vagina on one's face. Is there a Vaginaface character out there somewhere?

Can someone explain to me what's on Cate Blanchett's dress? I like the texture and the colors. Then I took a closer look and realized it looks like there's a man wearing a helmet/hat around her crotch? And there's a ladder leading up to her breasts? Just trying to figure out the finer details. Otherwise, the style and

I'm gonna have a disagreement moment and say that I don't care for Emma Stone's dress. I like the color matched with the shoes—very fu. But I don't like the actual style of the dress + the fabric. Maybe it's the sleeves and how they look bunched at her elbows. Maybe it's because I wish she had a belt to cover the seam

I really love this look. Simple, classy. Touch of make-up. Good hairstyle to compliment the dress. The only thing I'm wishing is that she'd have a pop of color on her nails or via a handbag.

The character she plays on TWD is one of my favorites from the series. Viewers haven't really had the chance to see what Gurira can do with her (episode 1 of the season just premiered on Sunday), but I am so excited. And then I see her IRL and have a stroke because she's not this type of "DAAAAAAMNNNN" on the show

I had the pleasure of having a "Heeeeey, let's chat about what you've got painted all over you" conversation at a Halloween party a few years ago. Said party was by some of my boyfriend's friends (he was in a grad program at the time), and it was located in Richmond. At said party, one of the classmates was dressed as

16??? Huh, I would've pegged her at 18 at least.

I had a similar moment of looking at T-Dog and going "shouldn't he have lost even a little more weight? Winter couldn't have been that kind." But then I remember what Hurley/Hugo from Lost said in his self-defense as characters gave him crap for being so fat, which is that he *had* lost weight, but he had so much from

The effects in the helmet removal scene got a little The Evil Dead for me (aka seemed rather fake), but it was an overall great tense scene.

But... I mean... It's *Carol.*