
I agree, especially with regards to the HP world having it so that not everyone had it in them to do complicated magic—for example, Lily was able to do magic but Petunia wasn't, and they were sisters. And having "pure blood" as well as "muggle" magic-enacters (as well as other species) allows for a broader range of

One of the more recent incidents I've caught of male rape being part of a story is True Blood third season. Spoilers: Jason Stackhouse (Sookie's brother) falls for a girl who's a werepanther. And she lives with her pack of relatives and other werepanthers (classism becomes an issue because the group is characterized


"Sploosh" may or may not be my favorite thing to say in the appropriate context, but that no one ever gets because none of my friends watch Archer :-/

!!! Not sure I can make this, but I have joined the group! Didn't know DC Jezzies exist before now.

I am most excited for her about the Silent Hill collection because 1) I'm a gamer chick, and 2) I don't cook. But the dutch oven is second because I've seen them in person and am impressed. You sound like a wonderful significant other; keep doing what you're doing! :)

I got home and turned the TV on to catch the last 5 minutes. I can only imagine watching it from the beginning!

Hearing too many "ums," "uhs," and "likes" back-to-back does drive me absolutely bonkers because they can get very distracting for a listener trying to follow what the speaker is saying. But I don't think they're awful in moderation, for the reasons listed above. And using um/uh isn't just an English phenomenon

My boyfriend's best friend is getting married in less than a month, so he and a few other guys are throwing him a rather short-minute bachelor party this weekend. Boyfriend's been to several bachelor parties in the past three or four years, and I'm sure/know he and those bachelor party-goers have gone to strip clubs

The only thing I like about the Will Smith version, compared to Matheson's original, is the way the dog's role was upped and drawn out. ...And that's it. I hadn't read Matheson's original text prior to seeing the Will Smith version, so I couldn't compare the two. But man, they totally veered off the tracks.

Yeah, it's okay. But it's not something I'd watch on repeat. Saw it once. I'm good now.

Web series or TV series, as some people have suggested.

Aww man! That could've been highly entertaining!

How has there not been a Resident Evil Underworld crossover? I can imagine the two of them on-screen together, taking down the supernatural/bio-engineered awfulness in glorious synchronized slow mo? (I'm partly sarcastic here but also somewhat sincere b/c that would probably make some decent money.)

Technically, Frankenweenie was the name of Tim Burton's original live action super short movie, from which the upcoming animated movie has been rebooted/remade/pimped for whatever reason. Doesn't necessarily make the name any less silly, nor make it any less lazy (seeing that movie's from the late 80s/early 90s), but

I like the sound of this show!

Yeah, I can attest to being one of the nerd community whose excitement has severely dropped with all the news about the film's direction, issues, etc. Personally, I wouldn't be upset if they shelved it if that gave someone else a stronger chance to adapt the story and do a better job. But like you said, too much $$

I really don't want the werepanthers to come back, but I also hate how this horrible thing happened to Jason and was then glossed over so quickly; so I'm torn about that plotline. Regarding timeframes, sure, the season premiere is the day after the season finale; and like hell if I remember how many days it's been

Ooo, interesting thought!

Now you've got me secretly hoping that with the unearthing of the Curtain Theatre remains in England, they'll also find a surviving cache of Shakespeare writings including something with this type of plot so that it can then become a thing. *crosses fingers*