
I wouldn't be surprised if your thinking is correct. They know they'll get a female audience regardless of how they sell it—it's getting those boys into the theater that they've got to figure out. And calling it "The Snow Queen" might not bring them in, unless they're aware of/are fans of the original story, sad as

I appreciate that I can get that much naked male ass on a show *period*. With so many lady bits floating around TV, it's lovely when those who like the dude body get some eye candy.

There are weretigers?!?! How does that even... Why do... Nope, I'm going to stop thinking about this.

*crosses fingers* please let there be no werepanther babies awkwardly popping out in search of their Jason daddy this season... I have no reason to believe this would happen except True Blood loves to throw ALL of the plots in a mixing bowl. And what if the writers did something like have Jason and Jessica play "will

Considering her kids' annoying introduction, I think Tara would do us all a service by nomming them off the cast list quickly.

That's my understanding, too. Didn't we get an Eric flashback sometime within the past season or two (everything's a hot mess of a blur) where Eric's family original viking family was murdered? Am I making this up? I swear I remember hot Nordic coming from Eric and I don't think it was a fantasy that time...

Weirdly enough, my first thought was, "What? No, Lala, don't touch that! It's probably been all over her fairy snatch and that's NASTY!"

Perhaps foreshadowing for yet another unnecessary, new character to pop up in the future?

I'd be afraid that, depending on who would pick up the rights to do a TV show, that they would cut out the non-American stories to keep the pace centralized for an American audience. Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised. And that would suck because part of my overall enjoyment of the book was seeing how different

I second this so much. I'd forgotten what it felt like to love Eric due to Sookie sapping the wonderful out of him last season. Watching him return to his glory was like a second awakening.

TAINTED MEAT!! <— although I couldn't imagine that being aired on TV, it still could've made for a great moment of WTFness.