
Our local school system uses a lot of smart-phone based activities in class, so post-elementary school, they become a necessity. It’s a pretty common move a lot of suburban districts are riding the tech train really hard, because there’s grants involved.

“Sex Expert”, ma’am. All that quality sex leaves you super-chill, and that lack of stress helps you live longer! That’s my longevity plan, at least.

Oh you sweet summer child, where do you think they bit that from? So many, many bands, but I believe the stated direct influence was early Red Hot Chili Peppers (they spent the early 90’s performing with socks on their junk).

Thank you, you summed it up much better than I could have. Like, why was the poster attempting to to undermine the mother’s story of abuse?!? What do they gain by saying it was just a short cut and ugly clothes, and not part and parcel of a system of abuse that more than one woman experienced?

This is sooo late, but Iain M. Banks fist-bumps for you!

Look, I have an Annika too, but it’s the “Jennifer” of Sweden and we have to come to grips with that.

someone who has never read any ‘Discworld’, it’s too sad for the week before Christmas!

The bit about her mother, that’s the hard one. My mother is in a similar boat, in that at the end-stage of a neurological disorder, she is not in charge of what she ingests, and the weight she’s gained gives the impression she’s less ill than she actually is. People’s relationships with food and their own bodies are

Jamelle Bouie writes there, so does Dahlia Lithwick, so not everything’s Slate-pitch poo over there.

If they’ve had prior sexual contact, that’s molestation, sexual abuse, A CRIME. Not an “assignation”.

It’s a commonly-accepted distinction in science literature, are you saying you’ve never seen it before, or don’t understand why it’s used?

Martha Stewart recipes have the virtue of being consistent, there may be a ridiculous ingredient or technique, but it’s generally limited to one or the other, they tend be easily worked around, and the food itself will be good.

LOL yeah, the old “we don’t recognize each other at the liquor store” joke! Too true!

Well, I’m glad y’all got out of there, and glad you’re staying in Richmond. Go RVA! Oh, and it might be a little too out there for you right now, but there are some wonderful Unitarian Universalist congregations in the Richmond area. Very focused on the commandments to love and aid the least of us.

Elderly white women are not a growing demographic.

If New Jersey’s governor was an obese woman, she would not have been able to pull a quarter of Christie’s crazy stunts.

Amongst the laypeople, no. Between the various upper management, how on the good green earth do you not see the active co-operation?!?

Who was it who said Miller’s a guy who got mugged once in the 80’s and never forgot it? Because it’s the perfect summation of his body of work.

So, you’re telling us that you understand neither breastfeeding or statistics.

He’s a married adult not living in his parents home any longer, the restrictions only apply to adult unmarried daughters.