
I believe that was actually one of the defense attorneys in the case. [Rage vomits]

If my daughter or sister engaged in pre-marital activities and disgraced herself and allowed herself to lose face and character by doing such things, I would most certainly take this sort of sister or daughter to my farmhouse, and in front of my entire family, I would put petrol on her and set her alight."

This sounds like he's reading out of the Rape Apologist's Handbook. Did the Tea Party send him some literature while he was in jail?

2 positive points:

nice, can't wait to get one and put the facebook apps on it

Considering how the article makes it clear the bug was fixed and fails to report any victims, I'm not entirely sure what your point is.

Bugs can be fixed.

As a developer I was under the impression that Android is secure :o Please enlighten me oh wise one.

Sorry about your pants.

All phones should have a privacy feature. Telephone privacy used to be a fact regulated by strict government rules. I know because I worked for the Bell System and rules were enforced. Now the government has turned into a spy agency and privacy is a thing of the past. All phones should have a privacy feature, god

If this were real, it would probably be the highlight of my life.

Reporting on something that turns out not to be true is entirely different from deliberate deception, and you damn well know it — you just wanted to be a snotty little shit and get in your shot at Jezebel. Also, please show me where I've reported a hoax as fact even once on Kitchenette.

"Wow. You know you've made it when The Simpsons takes a shot at you." - Someone in the year 1997

They even Simpsonized the top banner baby :3

except for the people who argue that snopes is part of a giant liberal* conspiracy, and is full of lies.

Nothing to show how screwed up the US is like the intersection of our fucked up drug policy and our fucked up health care policy!

"Actual" satire?

Thanks for asking. The sky is falling. I suggest that everyone start freaking out.