The then current church leaders made up new rules to appear more mainstream. If they can make up new rules today, I think it stands to reason that they've been making it up all along.
The then current church leaders made up new rules to appear more mainstream. If they can make up new rules today, I think it stands to reason that they've been making it up all along.
It is a faith that made up new stories about Jesus who was a Messiah for certain followers of an Abrahamic religion (which goes back thousands of years.)
Do gay Mormons get to have their own planet too?
I won't bash these people and their obvious struggles. I extend no such courtesy to religion.
Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.
That's why I avoided saying burgers.
The US threw society out for profits and 'freedum' years ago. My only hope is that I die before the empire collapse into itself.
Every quarter a corporation needs to show a profit or the shareholders revolt. Doesn't matter what the economic realities are, they must show a profit.
That all depends on where you deploy the tin foil.
2012 was a record low year. That's what I went by.
4th choice: Vaudeville.
An unplanned teen pregnancy used to be a big reason people married. Not only is that no longer the case, but unplanned teen pregnancies are also on the decline.
I discovered 'a means of alternative sexual gratification' long before I discovered the internet.
Obviously. Otherwise, the grey alien brainwaves will turn me into a sasquatch. Who would want that?
I don't think I've ever enjoyed anything in life the way that turtle is enjoying that brush.
I'm in Pittsburgh eating Fritos.
Boy howdy. You sure showed him, champ.
I wonder how much it ultimately cost unilever to advertise their competitor's product?
None of that is gaining any traction, champ.