UGH Kody Brown is so gross! And also a total liar. I’ve only watched that shit a little bit but I’ve seen enough to know that Kody doesn’t want to fuck Meri, and Janelle doesn’t want to fuck Kody. So that’s two down.
No need to go too far back in time- there’s video of Harry’s racist remarks about someone he considered a friend AND another comment with another inflammatory term for his fellow cadet and he used it in a very distinctly pejorative way.
I guess everyone just forgets that Harry dressed up like a Nazi, because that doesn’t fit your “narrative” of Meghan Markle as the victim.
I think that Charles is probably running everything, perhaps with help from William and the Queen just shows up and waves when she’s needed. She’s in her late 90's. I’m guessing she sleeps 15 hours a day.
Harry also told Oprah he was ashamed to admit to his family that Meghan was having thoughts of self-harm. It is also known from past interviews and statements he has made, that he personally has had counseling to deal with his own mental health. He should have had people to contact for her, why didn’t her? So there is…
She’s absolutely correct.
The honest to god supermodels had zero social media, and were household names not for publicity stunts, or tv shows, or massive amounts of surgery and photoshop, but because they just WORKED IT. They were like from another world.
Bullshit. He thought he could get his own way and failed. He is a spoiled person and people project far too much goodness into his actions. He could have left without all the drama. A lot of it created by him. No one forced them to do all these media appearances. No one forced him to have Omid on speed dial. He did to…
That is the big question isn’t it? They signed a bunch of deals. But Fergie once had a bunch of deals in the US too. Long term appeal is questionable.
For a couple who fled Britain to avoid the media attention, M&H still like the cameras. I was believing that when they left, they would lead a quiet life in the US, doing good works and getting photographed at a gala or two every year. So far, they are coming across as media whores. (Sorry for the vitriol, but I…
Ok, not popular here, because I don’t like Meghan. But :) let me just say - - I was talking about bananas and ‘positive mantras’ yesterday...(something I would mock and deride if I saw a friend in the US do it, not limited to taking issue with Meghan doing it - I maintain that cheesy instagram girl antics when…
I don’t really understand what they are getting out of this.
The bigger tragedy is that Gaga’s dog walker had little to no health insurance.
Many fans of an American show that took 15 years to feature a black person are horrible apologists for racism, you say?
Obviously she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way, but can she really expect better from the fanbase of an openly sexist & transparently bigoted faux-drama harem dating show?
Please cancel ALL reality TV. Its anything but. Its useless and shite. Rid the world of the abusive Kardashian influence that has now been copied ad-nauseum to point where narcissistic life is the norm. NO MORE. Enough of this so called entertainment. Its USELESS as are most of the people on it. LIve your life and…
Look, it’s either this or Better Zoom Call Saul.
This is a sad statement, but I voted for Biden not expecting any better in this area. I’m still disappointed that it’s actually happening, though. You always hope that these people will confound your assumptions.
Gotta pay that mortgage.
Yes there is the still noted issue racist/racial-tinged reporting, predominantly from the Mail and Express, but Harry’s rather contradictory stance on press coverage started long before he started dating her and the complaints have started to get tedious now with how first himself and now they as a couple seem to…