
Those dogs sell for bonkers money so I suspect it’s just “stealing dogs for profit” but the person who did that is either desperate or insane because they really did not need to shoot the guy four times to get those dogs away from him.

The ‘pudendal cleft’ or ‘cleft of venus’ are the names you’re looking for.

Oh my god - I can’t believe someone shot a dog walker four times and stole the dogs? What the fuck!? This is horrible. I hope they catch the assailants quickly, the dog walker recovers fully, the pups are okay, and Gaga gets reunited with her beloved pets.

He spun a whole fake story about how the media supposedly followed her around sticking a camera up her skirt and that, not her talent, was the reason for all the attention. Part of his creepiness here is to demean Wie.

My dad tells stories like this, only instead of seeing a young woman’s panties it’s about, like, someone accidentally cutting him in line at the deli counter.

Your second question is its own answer. Because he’s a creep who wants to humiliate a younger, far more talented woman.

Seriously, it’s time for this “cancel culture” to get to work.  Fuck this dirt bag.

That still shot of him in Borat with his hand down his pants is probably the most disgusting picture I’ve ever seen. I gag a little every time i see it. 

Setting aside all of the evidence, you only have watch some of his films to know that he's (I'm going to say gross for legal reasons). There are a lot of middle aged men creeping on barely legal women. In one movie, he has Kristen Stewart lace pink little girl socks and Mary Jane shoes before she sleeps with Steve

It’s not one of his more talked about movies (it’s truly awful,) but he had one that came out in the early aughts called Hollywood Ending where circa-2002 Debra Messing, Tea Leoni and Tiffany Amber Thiessen were all absolutely head over heels for circa-2002 Woody Allen. Technically, only the first two were in love

The comment about “Woody Allen the steamroller” (as opposed to the public image of Allen as a neurotic) reminds me of how Orson Welles absolutely pegged him for what he always was decades ago.

You know, the thing any rational person would do after being falsely accused of doing such things, make movies clearly about yourself where you come very, very close to doing those creepy things...

Yeah, all of his films are pretty much, “They can’t get enough of me! Young, old, young, young, younger, whatever... ME, the bespectacled nebbish with attractive characteristics...”

Does the series touch on the fact that Allen tells us repeatedly, in film after film, who he is? How many movies has he made now about a young, barely legal woman getting ensnared by a creepy old man (often played by Allen himself)?

One of my good friends took her parents to get their first jabs. Their appointments were at the end of the day, so when she was there she put her name on a wait list and hung around. When they were done with appointments they had some doses left over, so she got one, and is scheduled for her second one next week.

Really, though, as long as efforts have been made to offer them to the elderly or essential workers first, why shouldn’t people do that? The leftover vaccines will just go to waste. 

*this*. We have had two cases in my locality of men murdering their wives and claiming it was the stress of lockdown due to covid. In the first case, which came to court this week, a 67 year old woman was murdered by her husband just five days into lockdown. He claimed he didn’t mean it, he just ‘snapped’... But he

I had almost an identical conversation with my sister this morning - there are many concrete reasons why individuals stay (kids, pets, money, etc.) - but it’s also important to highlight how abusers are able to ensnare people who seemingly have all the resources available to them. With or without the more tangible

‘Public service’. What a lark. 

This right here. When I saw the title, my first thought was “The work of MeToo will never be done until there are MAJOR changes in society”.