
What is the relevance you think this has, at all?

I know you think bringing up Mia’s brother is some sort of gotcha but it’s not. Predators seek out damaged people. Mia coming from a damaged home just makes a stronger case for Allen being a predator. Normal people don’t walk into a fucked up home and set up shop for 13 years.

gagging until tears

FWIW: as a side effect of being married to a person (and thus friends with a few more) who went to expensive NYC private schools in the 70s/80s, I ended up knowing several people who were classmates with one or more of the assorted Allen/Farrow/Previn kids.

Apparently he has the same publicist as Gina Carano so they probably just figured why not keep their weekend clear

I think the article overlooks something, though, when it says that the tabloids overlooked that the business of monarchy is presentation.

I’m confused. If I sent my brother a letter, I’d think that the letter now belonged to him, and he could do with it as he pleased. (Including selling it to a newspaper or publishing it in a book.) And I do remember, about 50 years ago, my grandmother telling me to never write anything in a letter that I would not want

Not only that, but I’ve been in the same room with Kim Cattrall a handful of times and she is incredibly, almost supernaturally, friendly and fun-loving if you don’t come off like a completely star-struck ass.

I think they should do a second show starring Kim as Samantha.  I feel it would be incredibly more interesting.

Yeah, that episode was bittersweet (“Gunn, you have hair now?”)

Charisma Carpenter was brilliant in that one episode of Season 5 and by not being around to see the gradual insidious change of the other characters, she was able to pick up immediately and point out to them how much they’d been corrupted without even realising it had been happening all this time.


There was some talk even at the time about the mostly white Buffyverse shows, whether that was down to him, or the WB, etc. The main exceptions for most of Buffy’s run were a few black female Slayers (who were usually killed by fan favorite white male antiheroes). Then Angel, after a lot of criticism, introduced Gunn,

“And on this farm he had a crappy, overpriced car...”

Smells Sounds like it!

I just read X AE A-Xii as E-I-E-I-O in my head and thats gonna be that kid’s name for me from now on.

Could you explain how she is accountable for the racism of the man who groomed and abused her as a teenager. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around how she can both not be to blame for her own abuse but be accountable for her abuser’s racism. 

I am stoked for this. Nice to see Allen’s PR deathgrip on what is said about the scandal being taken away from him and he can’t do anything about it.

Oh, most of these examples were issues that were talked about when it came out. This perspective is NOT one that you can dismiss as modern “wokeness.” Even Mad Magazine’s parody (March 1979 issue) explicitly called them out and it was directed at possibly the most immature, dismissive of women’s and consent issues