Fuck her and her stupid ass movie.
Fuck her and her stupid ass movie.
Her association with the extremely ableist Autism Speaks organization is proof enough that this film is a travesty, but then to hear that there are “restaint scenes” and stuff that she’s “planning to remove”, like what in the ever-living fuck with this already. It’s amazing how she won’t let this objectively damaging…
Oh, Angelina, we do remember the prospect of you being a “policy wonk” at American colleges and universities because real adjunct professors were wondering why they were making slave wages while higher ed administrations wanted to pay you six figures to teach one class.
I spent all January watching the series on hbo max, and being a black man who grew up watching the show, and now, I have to say that show was racist as fuck. When miranda had her Ginger baby who wouldn’t stop crying and she had a black mom who tried to help her... She was there, and then you realize she lived in a…
At least Cruella had style. This bitch would probably make Ugg boots out of them.
Sports, law enforcement, military: three male-dominated arenas with problems of ignoring the inside abuses to those outside of them. The military and maybe law enforcement* are getting better with it, but pure boys clubs... need help.
I have a friend who is bipolar and can’t tolerate any of the current bipolar meds, so she does without. She has never been violent to anyone. I’m not buying “sorry, off the meds” as a valid excuse.
Imagine this at any other job besides Rich Famous Person:
Going off your meds does not excuse attempted murder. If that’s what happened, guy needs hospitalized involuntarily forever.
I stopped when Kaepernick was effectively banned by those fucks. And I was like I’ll come back when he does. But after a few weeks I was like even if he comes back I’m still done with this shit.
There is no other career in the world where this type of behavior is tolerated.
Still not let him play?
Same thing happened to me when I got a facelift about 20 years ago. I went from having doors slammed in my face and being essentially invisible, to having those doors once again held open, seats offered and being hit on.
I used to love the Steelers until they gave that dirtbag Roethlisberger a pass.
All professional sports (and media) need a talking to.
It’s so frustrating isn’t it that in even some fairly mainstream feminist spheres thin privilege and beauty privilege are still touchy subjects. Thin privilege discourse can get derailed by the usual boring concerntrolling about health. And I think people don’t like talking about beauty privilege sometimes as they’re…
Someone from Vermont would know it wasn’t *that* cold.
He’s like a slightly dumber, paralyzed Hitler Youth version of Kenny Powers.
Not an ugly-ass red tie in the entire crowd. In fact, you got the impression that they deliberately chose even blues that were different from the Crayola reds and blues that the MAGA crowd made so ubiquitous. Nancy wasn’t the only one with amazing hair - Hillary Clinton’s hair had never looked better, and while that…
Every person/company involved in planning and executing this wedding had better demand full payment up front before lifting a fucking finger.