1. Pine
2. O’Dowd
3. Evans/Hemsworth
4. Hemsworth/Evans
1. Pine
2. O’Dowd
3. Evans/Hemsworth
4. Hemsworth/Evans
Imagine dreaming for most of your life that you’ll someday become a published author. Now imagine that getting manipulated by this manipulative douche is what you’ll actually be known for, and that you’ve tanked your own career and professional reputation in the process of achieving your goal.
geez, add in a murder somewhere and this is a two part Law & Order episode.
I bet after reading that article, her ex husband is thinking “I have officially won all of those arguments.”
Someone posted on Twitter all the juror reactions to him at his trial, and the judge getting frustrated because all the prospective jurors thought was a rat bastard.
“The truly terrible thing is that everybody has their reasons.”
On that first point, the part that made me breaky out and scream at the screen was where Smythe explained that she wanted the public to understand that Shkreli’s villainy was just a public mask. The way you get a villaneous public mask is if you behave like a villain in public. Which is usually the requirement for…
I don’t know about you but I think I needed to hear this.
Smythe, whose childhood dream it was to be a published author,
However, and this a really sad however, she could make millions on a book and giving interviews after. She doesn’t even have to change her opinion on him too much, people will eat this story up.
Charlie definitely was
Also, one of my favorite fanfics has the epigraph “Thinking a reporter genuinely likes you is on par with thinking you’re really special to that stripper.” Seems apt.
A narcissist and a narcissist’s supply walk into a bar....
This is, honestly, just classic hybristophelia. She “sees the real him”; she is involved with someone who cannot currently cheat on her, but she doesn’t need to actually do difficult relationship work; she’s the only one he really cares about, &etc...it’s sad, but really not that unusual.
There’s so much to unpack in that article.
Pretty sure this is one of those relationships that happen when you romanticize the joker and harley quinn.
The problem with that is ALL our presidents are guilty of war crimes/atrocities/crimes against humanity. Even Barack.
Uh one more time: He was not kidding about that “President for Life” shit. This mother fucking con man finally found his ultimate mark and he wants to milk it for all the cash his lazy ass can. Just kill him and do us all a favor
You know what? Let them bring it. That way , when he gets dragged out the front door by his few hairs, the popcorn I eat while watching this, will only taste better.
This is what we’ve been missing by elevating mediocre white male “creatives” in Hollywood all these years: someone who can stand with victims first while having the mental bandwidth to empathize and reflect on working with people who are harmful but also suffering themselves.