
There was a time I wanted to like Gladwell, but I am just unable to like a person fully who spends as much time as he does pal-ing it up with douchebags like Bill Simmons or for that matter Rick Rubin(whom I just don’t trust) and the gap has only widened after he has had some pretty cring-y narratives in recent intervi

So, here’s yet another man, albeit a very intelligent, educated and well-read man, reflexively and vociferously defending another man for doing whatever he wants, where he wants with no regard for others?

Only reason he jerked it on Zoom was ‘cause he couldn’t see it on normal magnification.

So it’s all of them huh? And by them I mean the incredibly super wealthy. He’s obviously not the first and he most likely won’t be the last. There are tons of reasons why we as a society do not need billionaires. The impunity to carry on years of trafficking, rape, and abuse - sometimes against extremely young minors

I fully approve of this Cruise rant—he’s not just talking about MI movies, he’s talking about this film setting an example that movies can be made in the time of COVID without being superspreaders IF AND ONLY IF the crew follows the safety protocols in place. It matters, he’s right to lose his shit.

This is so nuts because someone I know worked for this guy on that private island!! Let’s call him Bob. Bob got a job building set pieces or props for Nygard’s danceclub on his private island compound. These props were like giant Easter Island heads and whatever else to make the place look Polynesian or tiki themed.

Canadians have known about Nygard his heinous behavior for decades literally. Nygard is a famous brand in Canada but I have always refused to even look at his clothes. Even his sons are finally coming out against him. He is also notorious for the epic battle he has been having with his neighbour in the Bahamas for

it really seems like anyone with a private island should get a second glance on if they’re trafficking and abusing people.

I get my nails done all the time (well, I did before covid.) I get acrylic nails and I like to have different designs on them. You just have to make sure you go to a reputable place and make sure they sterilize their tools. (Where I go, they sterilize all the reusable stuff--if it’s something they use all the time,

Yeah. I also think he was slipping into Johnny Depp “Dangerous bad boy genius actor” territory. Hollywood loovvess a dangerous “Bad Boy” figure with addiction issues. Depp, Shia, Robert Downey Jr, Sean Penn. It’s not hard to see why they let him slide. Hollywood literally lets them ALL slide. Abusers are an open

Thank you. Daniel Day-Lewis is a method actor (and 1000x better at it than Shitty LaBoof) and I’ve never heard anything about him being an abusive asshole in his personal life.

“It’s time to get rid of the leftovers,” the official said.

I know what “wet his beak” means....but the words “wet” and “beak” in anything having to do with trump, makes me want to barf.

Absolutely yes.  Especially if you’re willing to work in more Northern communities which have a huge lack of services.  There are substantial governement incentives for going up there as well.

Problem is, the humor has leached out of those observations over the years.  Now he just seems angry and mean.

On the flipside I was lucky enough to hear Tim Gunn speak at a luncheon and meet him as he signed all our books. What a sweetheart. Nicest. Man. Ever.

Remember when in SantaLand Diaries he talked about assholes who’d threaten to fire him? How times have changed.

So, in response for this subpar service as a comedy writer, I guess we can exert our own right and fire him by not listening to his bullshit anymore?

That messy bun is more like a flaming hot mess.