
“What a surprise,” said no one.

Gosh, how dare you moralize about battering women. How could that ever be a moral issue? /s

Also, who is he to call someone else an unsavory and insipid type? Hey, kettle, you're black!

So women who are addicted deserve to be beaten? Go fuck yourself.

I’m not perfect but I don’t hit anyone, ever so I am a damn sight better than Charlie Sheen.

Dude is a classic narcissist. Fucking textbook. There’s no way this ‘reality’ he’s presenting, in which he looks like a responsible guy who always stayed safe with partners, is true. It’s simply not possible for him, imo. Narcissists are very good at lying, because they believe their own lies.

I hope he stops beating women. If he can’t do that, I hope he dies quickly so as to save other women.

They’re talking about their own experiences—should they presume to mention women of color, you’d find a way to be offended about that too (how dare they APPROPRIATE the issues of POC?). No one ever measures up to the sky-high standards of Jezebel posters.

Again, it’s always the eye-rolling shit about “people of color,” yet the same narrative never mentions Native people. They are in Hollywood, too.

If only, good god. White is a part of it, young is a part of it, thin, able bodied is another part of it, willing to suck cock for jobs is another part of it, large breasts and other surgical enhancements is a part of it...this is a very, very small percentage of women, the most sexually desirable who know it and are

I was waiting for this comment to be made—the classic “yeah, you have problems but someone has it worse so shut up.” Look. These are white actresses starting the topic but so what? They’re women, they’re starting it, and black/hispanic/asian women will benefit from it as well when they share their own experiences as

Actually Asian women are paid considerably better than white women in comparison with white men.

I think you mean Sterling Hayden.

I am in Oregon not far from Roseburg and I am sick with disgust at how he was greeted when he arrived. I have lived in Oregon my entire life and it never ceases to amaze me how conservative we really are at our core. Everyone local hates the mass amounts of Californians moving here but I welcome it since they seem to

Kanye West is an idiotic narcissist. As for musical talent... I’ve never liked his music. I think he’s more bravado than skill. As for fashion design talent... I’m pretty sure that he sits on a couch and dictates what he wants the clothes to look like, to someone who actually knows how to make patterns and sew, and

I won’t lie; that’s always my thought process when I’m behind these nincompoops.

Oh, don’t read into it too much. I didn’t literally mean YOU-you. Just the legions of people who despite having the same impediment as you, choose instead to stand in the way of everyone because they can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Actually, wasn’t trying to sound snarky against you, but idiots who stand

Ugh. I’ve missed my train several times due to people walking soooo slooooow down the steps to the subway. It makes me think things like “How can I push this person so they won’t be seriously injured, but just frightened enough to stop doing this”

No-one can. It’s just the special, special snowflakes who pull this @#$% think they can.

no one is good at texting and walking, don’t let the idiots fool you

Tl;dr OMFG THIS IS MY #1 PET PEEVE IN NYC. Just put the fucking phone down. Unless you are actively saving a life on that thing, it can fucking wait. When I miss a train bc you thought checking your texts while walking up a flight of stairs was a good idea I really hope that someone knocks the thing onto the tracks.