
Ah, the “Halle Berry Defense”.

No, men of all races get away with claiming things were youthful indiscretions. Women don’t get that kind of pass.

Yuuuup. This is what people mean when they say politics is becoming tribal. It’s not about setting a principle - you know, don’t rape - and then enforcing that principle. The explicit practice on all sides now is just to pick groups of people you want to see win, and then shape your narrative around making sure they

Were you suffering under the delusion that Jezebel was a feminist website?

Jezebel is reporting this rape in a very different way than it usually does.

Nah. As soon as she gets older he’ll peace out on her for a younger woman. It’s inevitable. Eventually she’ll stop living up to his narcisstic fantasy of the perfect woman.

Just a regular comet would be fine.

Are women qualified to govern their preferences and behaviour? Absolutely. I never said or felt otherwise.

Blacks are to be tolerated.

I find it weird that we’re not supposed to look up to women as heroes, and we had a few growing up. Not many, but we had JEM, She-Ra, Rainbow Brite, and Ripley, man...

The actual remake of “The Woman” was horrifically bad and most reactions from women ranged from ‘Meh’ to ‘I’ll watch the original’. Somehow we didn’t blow up the internet.’re saying Leslie Jones sold herself cheap? Sold out her blackness? Isn’t what she’s always presented herself as but is just a money-grubber looking for whatever shine she can get and, thus, happy to play a part that plays into “the fact that (white) American eyes don’t value knowledgeable black folks.”

The “guys who care about it” seem to have a lot of overlap with “guys who view women as intruders in their special hobbies”, if that helps.

I hope all the haters’ hype causes the remake to make millions so the basement trolls can pat themselves on the back for causing it.

Do men who hate women feel that way because women were unkind, specifically, was Mother unkind? Is it linked to circumcision? Or is it a deep sense of inadequacy in the face of our exquisite softness and dangerously mysterious baby-holes? Can’t figure it out, but it’s everywhere and always chilling.

“All-male movie” - isn’t that “most movies”?

If the all-women movie, aptly named “The Women” was going to be remade as an all male movie, I doubt the women of the world would go as hysterical as the the male fans of the old Ghost Busters. But then again, nothing as hormonal, hysterical and over the top as a man.

They’ve both got the gnarly choppers thing going on.

Johnny Depp has been a fucking tool for years.

So right on, Andy Richter! The more people in “the business” who speak out the better. Depp has so much more power and clout than his victim here, I hope others keep his damn feet to the fire.