
All I could think was she needs to jam a tampon covered in yogurt up there stat to help quell the burn then she needs to dip this dude nuts in chili and see how how feels.

Exactly. That’s Jezebel/mattress/grievance/millennial feminism, in a nutshell.

Since you don’t have that information, I think there could be a humbler way to raise the issues you raise without doing this endless dance of passing judgment on the always misguided, always uninformed, always blinkered, privileged, foolish ways that other people practice feminism.

Include some all caps rage, a Beyonce reference and a story about being sensitive about your weight and you could be going places.

Susan Sarandon gets paid a shit-ton of money. Ergo, she should just sit down, shut up, and accept that she gets paid significantly less than fellow male actors, so as to not offend the poors.

You keep using trickle down like you know what it means. Susan Sarandon is not the government; she is an actress. She’s not obligated to speak on anyone else’s behalf. Her speaking is not preventing low income women from speaking.

The question about valuing Lawrence’s work was quasi-rhetorical, but the answer is obvious: nothing. Lawrence’s value says absolutely nothing about how we value any woman’s work. It speaks only to how we value Jennifer Lawrence.

Well, I too am a man (right there in my name). I understand that you have issues, and I feel for that. But I’d suggest that if you don’t see the differences on the pressures that society places on us versus the pressures that society places on our sisters that you may be a little shortsighted.

It is possible that their blackness does not define their work. Perhaps they do not owe you a meditation on your own relationship with race just because they are black. Would the movie be funnier if it dealt with your own perceptions of race and blackness?

The joke is that a kitten was significant enough to kidnap and that anyone would go to such great lengths to retrieve an animal they cared for. It’s both sweet and funny. I mean really, it’s pretty simple.

It’s an action movie spoof with a kitten that dodges gunfire in slo mo. It’s OK that the emotional beats were off.

Maybe it’s a joke for people with a sense of humor who do not try to overanalyze things.

as someone who is a casual K&P fan: it was pretty good, funny, and entertaining - they hit the marks for their style of comedy.

I thought it was funny. Uneven, certainly, and lacking the sharpness and biting social commentary that characterize Key and Peele’s best sketches, but still pretty damned funny. And I’m not sure what “feels nothing like a movie” means. It felt like a movie to me.

Nothing new to white women, either. Thanks for playing.

Nice getting a shot in at white women when it explicitly said in the study that women of any color, including white, get punished the same way as men of color.

To the tune of a sea shanty...

Anything that keeps him off movie screens is a good thing.

Am I too late to make a hilaaaarious “Dominos pizza is terrible and I’m a good person because I don’t lower myself to the standards of the pleb masses and instead take my refined pallet to only the finest of eateries so really this kid is just so much worse now” joke? Too late to elevate the food choices of a literal

A cult by any other name.....