
When I first saw this video, I died laughing and started showing it to everyone. I lost some friends that day, but I have no regrets.

"The incorrect thing you said was warranted more than the correct thing they said, because your tone was better"

Irritability, muscle spasms, aggressiveness, confusion? I think football gives you Rabies

At least it was just the tip.

Anyway to get this clarification stuck to the top of the comments or added into the story?

He had asthma, several adults sat on top of him, one guy put him in a chokehold. Medical examiner ruled the death to be a homicide. Run along, now.

"This policeman's life is ruined." Yeah, "ruined" to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. We should all be so lucky.

The "Birmingham...Mobile....Piedmont" bit is fucking hilarious.

Update (10:46 p.m.): Shit's about to go down.

I really hope they do it again.

I'm surprised somebody who doesn't believe in evolution could have such intelligent things to say about Ferguson!

"Whose salary was always one dollar less than the highest paid academic chair." You say that like it's a good thing.

His name is definitely Tanner-well done.

Do you think Phyllis et al are just putting on a show? I mean, it's pretty obvious that Finebaum is baiting her. Or do these people actually think that saying "you can do it!" on national TV like the cute kid at the Miami Heat game is a reasonable thing to do?

Having been out of the South for a while, I had romanticized Finebaum and, in a recent fit of nostalgia, thought I would start listening to his show. I remembered it as being ridiculous but also folksy and quirky and amusing. I could not have been more off. It was the most inane, mind-numbing thing I have ever exposed

And thus were born a thousand conspiracy theories about the networks, the SEC, and the playoff.

Read as: Arizona is the last team people who are fucking sick of the SEC want to see in the P12 Championship.


The NFL actively opposed his reinstatement
