
Christine's mom was my 8th grade English teacher, and I still can't get over seeing her on the gossip blogs.

@cait98: I agree that there is often a gap between legal violation and real violation. And I agree she can FEEL violated for whatever reason. But for someone who has experience with nude photos (Playboy, etc.), can afford a good lawyer, and purports to be marketing-savvy, I have a hard time believing she was

@scarlet1815 is proud of Nancy Pelosi: I definitely don't agree with the Jezebel article in general, and she can FEEL any way she wants to feel, but I have a hard time classifying her as a victim or not a victim without knowing what she in fact agreed to in the first place. I didn't mean that your criticism of the

@AristotlesCrab: I completely agree that she can FEEL any way she wants, but I read this article and a lot of the controversy surrounding the situation as people thinking she was a VICTIM. People can feel any way that they want, and definitely can change their minds about how comfortable they feel with people seeing

Wow, for once I both think an article is not well-fleshed-out (no pun intended, at least not originally) and I think the dissenting comments are crazy! What I think could easily settle whether Kim has a right to be mad or whether the magazine did indeed victimize her is WHAT HER CONTRACT SAID. It doesn't matter what

@scarlet1815 is proud of Nancy Pelosi: I hear what you are saying, but did she have a contract? And read it before she signed it? What the contract says matters way more than what she was "promised". I don't think we're getting the full story on either side.

I'm confused about why we even have real people in ads anymore. Why can't celebrities just do a face shoot and then the photoshop people can make up their idea of a perfect body to plop the face onto? Of course, they can clean up any wrinkles and blemishes on the face, and adjust the skin tone while they are at it.

@coffeettee: Totally reading candy, but have you read any of the Stephanie Plum mysteries by Janet Evanovich? They are fun...the titles have numbers in them that tell you what order to go in, but you don't HAVE to read them in order.

@azure8011: Well, I'm 36 and back on the dating scene after an 8 year relationship ended two years ago, and it doesn't really stop being hard! But you figure things out about yourself and others along the way, and there are lots of good things along the way, physically and emotionally. For what its worth, I lost my

@azure8011: Congratulations! As for FWB, you both have to be good at defining what your boundaries are. And you have to be honest with yourself, too, about whether you are really getting attached or not. (He should also be honest with himself, but I doubt he is reading groupthink.) If you are getting attached, you

@katgirl476: I'm so sorry. Being with a big group of family/friends is the most comforting thing when something horrible like this happens, so I'm glad you have that support.

@Cher_Horowitz: I got to dive in Alvin to 2.5 km depth in the was absolutely amazing!!! But space would be pretty cool, especially looking back at the Earth.

@quisbella: I had a lot of "breakthrough bleeding" when I first started it, something I never experienced the previous 10 years on a regular BC pill. I never had a real heavy flow, and no cramps, but there was menstrual-like flow but at about 1/10 the quantity of an actual period on many days. But after about the

@MorganLeFay: I've never gotten responses from messages I've sent, but I've had about 100 guys message me (about 2 of whom were worthwhile). I have no idea why it works that way...what worked for me was just to visit the profile of the guys I was interested in every 5 days or so, and eventually some of them took the

@LionAndUnicorn is Rosie Retrospection: Sweet potato oven fries? That can kill a fast food craving for me, and is still pretty healthy. Make a veggie burger with some fixin's and its a pretty healthy meal that feels like a huge splurge.

@Elaken: It depends on the person. Last year I dated two guys 5 years younger than me (they were both 30) and the maturity difference between the two of them was HUGE. Get to know him just like any other guy you would date, and make the decision based on him, not his age.

@outrageouschaos: I started dating a guy in September, and it turned out he was separated and didn't file for divorce until October. Even though it was cut-and-dry over (she finally admitted she was a lesbian) and they hadn't even been living together (he had moved to do a fellowship), there is all sorts of

@honorabright: I had the exact same problem. First time ever that IE is behaving better than FF.

@Meganquita: Thanks for the suggestions— I will never be mistaken for voluptuous, and this might be a time that comes in handy!