
What are your favorite places to buy lingerie on the web? (Besides Victoria's Secret, Figleaves and Fredericks...I'd rather not do a google search for lingerie, but I want something a little more unique.) Thanks ahead of time!

Maybe a paddleboat would be a better choice for her?

@missmaudielove: I try to make myself try one new place/activity a week. It keeps me from completely turning into a crazy cat lady (minus the cats, at the moment). And every once in a while I actually find something I like or make at least an acquaintance. But it takes a lot of self-motivation to do it. Good luck!

@Lakshmi_Devi: I use PDFCreator, and have had no problems with it.

@missmaudielove: is great in some cities. I definitely recommend book clubs if you are a reader (ask at book stores, even some of the chain book stores have them), and any sort of class or club that has an interest for you. Hiking groups, craft groups, sports teams, writing groups... and check out gallery

@brightpeonies: If he seems too desperate, you can accept but say something to let him know that you aren't jumping into anything. Either be honest or make up a little white lie ("I am going out with two other people this week, I'm just trying to figure out what kind of person I want, but you seem nice...") sort of

@TheDaneAbides: (A) Malishka is awesome; (B) This always happens with the guys who are perfect in every other way!; and (C) listen to Malishka because it is not going to get better by itself. Don't go ruining a perfectly good relationship with a great guy just because you can't communicate about it. Figure out

Yay! Sexytimes. Boo! My bed broke and hit me on the head, quite hard.

@poppy: You just made me feel better...well, at least not alone. But it did make me read the article, and enjoy it, once I realized it was safe to have on my screen.

@mahmahmahpokerface: Not Saudi, but Egyptian Muslim, in US for 10 years, experience: there were definitely cultural differences, but most of them were just interesting to discuss and not a big deal. He grew up in Cairo and there, dating tends to be more "platonic" and so he put a lot of emphasis on getting to know

@audreytoo: I would say not to worry about low-carb, but to try not to eat anything with sugar or made from just white flour? I have had to eat just protein and fruits and vegies for a week for a blood test I have to do, and the weight has flown off but I am hungry ALL THE TIME. (And I eat fish, tofu, etc.) I think

@lickitysplit: I always had small boobs, and I swam competitively so I had gigantic shoulders which made my boobs look even smaller. I have since gained weight and have biggish boobs, and I can personally attest that boys are no more or less excited by them either way. Unless they have a weird boob fetish, they are

@looseleaves: I'm 36 now, and I think my life has been just fine despite the fact that I only went on a couple dates and had one kiss before I had my first real boyfriend at 20. It'll happen!

Well, now I can just inform the skinny hipster guys that hit on me that we are not BMI compatible. Science proves it, and I don't have to feel bad for preferring the dumb jock type.

@BrutallyHonestBabes: And the 90 stars who announced their pregnancy this week share their diet plans so they will lose their pregnancy weight in 3 days or less!

@flanhoodles: I lived in the middle of nowhere for almost 12 years (not quite the wilderness, but three hours from the nearest city, and it was a minor city at that). The only thing I listened to on the radio was NPR; otherwise it was tapes...then CDs...then ipod. Make your friends send you mix CDs with new music

@i'm going to have my friends call me valerie: I had this issue recently, and two dates became five and finally on the sixth there was a very chaste kiss. When I finally got up the nerve to say something about it (on the phone, as I failed at trying to do it in person) he said HE DIDN'T WANT TO SEEM TOO AGGRESSIVE.

@frozennorth: Just swish your teeth for 30+ seconds a day with a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2-3 parts water, then rinse really well. (Mix it up fresh each time, it doesn't keep.)

@ravella_the_riverboat_queen: They are not classic flats, but I am loving my pair of Merrell Allure shoes. They look cute with pants and skirts and have survived lots of Seattle rain! And they are SO comfortable.

@PenelopePeony: It is like they need lessons in how to be functional human beings. Enjoy your movie night! Forget about boys for the night, except for the ones on the screen.