
I said over half the people in 'fitness' magazines are likely underweight (and a lot of them include weight/height, so I can caluculate their BMI, this isn't an unsubstantiated assumption), and are thus at the similar risks for cardiovascular disease as overweight people— I didn't say they WERE unhealthy.

On AVERAGE, running marathons actually increases your risk of a heart attack (because of the way it can stress the heart of people with usually undetectable heart problems). But we don't go around looking down our nose at marathoners because they are increasing their risk of heart attacks, because socially we have

I'm fairly certain that you don't understand the issue and did not really read my response: carrying extra weight DOES NOT CAUSE ANY OF THE MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMS IN AMERICA. It is CORRELATED with them, and correlation does not equal causation. High blood pressure, poor diet, smoking, and lack of physical

Equating obesity with unhealthiness is not solving anything, and it is inaccurate. It stigmatizes overweight people who are healthy, and it makes many unhealthy overweight people who have never been skinny think that getting healthy is impossible which makes them not even want to start. Plus, carrying extra weight

Dear World,

Wow, that makes you sound even more judge-y. I'm overweight and I do Half Ironman triathlons and run marathons. And not only do I finish them, I beat a whole lot of skinny people. My doctor could care less what I weigh, he thinks I am in better shape than 99% of his patients. And I am by no means the only

Does she really only drink water at breakfast? Because if you aren't washing the macaroons down with wine (first choice) or water (second choice), I think they might stop being fun after about half the box.

I'm sure I'll like EXACTLY what their last girlfriend liked, because really women are interchangable.

If I were a writer, I would have already drowned myself in my bathtub when Lauren Conrad, Whitney Port, and Snooki were given book deals.

There are multiple ways to prove compliance with Title IX; one option is proving that funding reflects the interest level ratio between the genders at the school. This requires more effort than, say, lying about numbers, so many schools don't do it. One of the problems with Title IX is that most people don't know

It's only a matter of time before a Republican sings this on the House floor and claims that Planned Parenthood is using it in their advertising.

In France, there are condom vending machines outside all the pharmacies...and even the tiny little villages have pharmacies. This makes so much sense, so obviously we don't do it in the U.S.

I'm pretty sure there are multiple ways for schools to prove compliance, so that if there is a huge difference in interest between men and women the school can still be 'legal'. But as someone who played for a nationally ranked women's team that received zero funding from a school that had mens teams that couldn't

It would solve a lot of problems in the world if more boxers were used for storage. (But it would be less fun...)

I'm going to change my name legally to either "an insider" or "a source close to the couple." Then I am going to make millions suing the tabloids for misquoting me.

Dear Invisible Man,

I'm pretty sure if we could just consolidate into a general "asshole" database, online dating would suddenly be a breeze. But the 18 guys left might get EXHAUSTED trying to keep up with all the ladies.

Wear a helmet and hideously bright clothes. Assume that drivers will do something stupid, and be ready to react. Remember that you have a right to use the road, so don't let someone honk and be a jerk and make you feel like you need to do something that makes you uncomfortable. Do what you need to do (within the

Maybe it is like Seinfeld, where George gets smarter and smarter the longer he abstains. (OK, so Elaine became more and more stupid, but it was fiction so they might have taken a couple liberties.)

Can you ask at your local bike shops? Also see if there is a triathlon group or cycling group in your area; they might have suggestions.