
@kennypowersinmexico: Mostly nightmares, and boredom. I prefer the boredom. I am dating a great guy that I met online right now, but I think for practical reasons it won't last. BUT, I have decided that if the guy is local it is better just to exchange a very few emails (to make sure there is some basis for

@StuckOnRepeat: To question number 2, it HURTS. But it is fast, and you have to do it somewhat less often once you get into a groove. Don't do it right around your period. Some people recommend taking an OTC painkiller an hour or so beforehand; I might be a masochist, but I just tolerate it. Read up a bit on

@eruantaliel: I find it strange that the women have vegetable salad, while the men get fruit salad. Totally unfair.

@StormsComing: Ramen is my favorite sick food. No nutrients, but soooooo comforting. And easy.

@DRadley: I am halfway through Girl With A Dragon Tattoo right now! I highly recommend the original "Cape Fear". Not as in-depth a story, but SO suspenseful and well done.

@ms. noblet: Ha! I'm glad you had a great run! I have had to learn NOT to go for a run when I am mad; I've had my only running injuries from overdoing it in those situations.

When I lived in France for work, there were no gyms in my town...I got my cardio with long walks or runs, but in the winter I often was working during all daylight hours, so that didn't work so well during the week. I tried to take walks at lunchtime when it wasn't too rainy or icy. I survived by doing the DVD

One of my most surreal moments in a race was running through a seedy part of town during a half marathon. I am slow, so there weren't that many runners around, and I had to run by two guys who seemed really sketchy and were drinking beer (at 9 am) from paper bags at the side of the road. As I ran by, one of them

@nagumi: Oh, it is easier to do while running than on a bike. Although I only have peed while on a bike.

@blah: I have lower back pain when I don't exercise enough...which I'm sure you don't have tons of time for. But some of my friends have also had lower back pain that improved with simple stretching/strengthening exercises; your doctor or doctor internet might have suggestions for this. (If you google, the exercises

@bleigh: My profile is:

@memoryhouses: I hate the idea of the "not talking after the breakup" thing, but I honestly think it works fairly well. It forces you to work on making yourself make positive changes to get over things, rather than rehashing the same battles with the ex. It sucks, but so does the alternative. Hugs—I hope you feel

@azure8011: In addition to looking into BC options now, I would also discuss them with the guy if you haven't already—it can either get "forgotten" or make things awkward if you leave it until the moment you need it.

@titchytiny: It's a horrible feeling. I've been there, and all I can say is that I think it shows that you are a good person that you hate yourself for it— if you didn't hate yourself you wouldn't be a person worth having a relationship with. All I can say is that I learned a lot about myself and relationships from

@cleo_le_fay: Very reluctantly, I will admit that I have been on the OTHER side of the situation and been the cheater. I didn't tell my partner about it, but I definitely learned my lesson over the guilt and would never EVER do it again because I felt so terrible and it was not worth it. So I firmly believe that the

@angelina jolie-laide is a mavericky bish AGAIN: That sounds like a horrible situation, and I'm sure it isn't fun. But it is the holidays, and your other friends might just be more busy/tired and being less considerate than they would normally be of your feelings. So don't write THEM off just yet! Focus on the good

@lickitysplit: I had no change in weight while on either the tri-phase type pills (three different doses for the three non-placebo weeks) or the three-month type. If anything, I gained weight when I went off. So everyone responds differently. My boobs didn't grow, it didn't affect my acne, and I didn't notice any

@team-science: Happy Olympia New Years, though! I am cable-less and plan-less here as well, but the cold is making me hate the situation slightly is TOO cold to go out! I hope you all have a good night!

@LucyFlawless: It took my latest guy three months to kiss me. It took a huge heart-to-heart and moderate crisis to get things to go any further than that. But it was worth it. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there a little, which is scary, but that is life.