
@principessa: It sounds like you made some huge, positive moves, even if they were hard. I hope 2011 brings you much-deserved peace and happiness!

My friend bought a fabulous looking vintage coat. When she wore it out the first time, she put her hands in the pockets and found something in one of them. She pulled it out; it was a human tooth. It will not be hard for me to stick to the resolution not to buy random old coats.

Happy New Years to all you lovely people! The boyfriend just came down with the flu, so I am staying in by my lonesome (I am new in town and have no friends to call last minute.) I hope this is the last of bad 2010 luck and not a sign of 2011 luck!

I have a traditionally male name and work in a traditionally male field, and I am NOT male. I cannot begin to tell you how tired I am of people calling me at work and thinking that I am my secretary. Sexism is definitely not dead.

Well, if this is how they choose to immortalize their courtship for their kids, I hate to think how they plan on informing their kids about the birds and the bees.

@donnashowl: Oh, happy birthday! Mine is Friday, so I feel your pain.

@LucyFlawless: Oh, I have no good advice because I just sort of fell into my first relationships, but DON'T FRET, because just from your post you sound like me at 19/20/21/and a little bit 34, and in the end it works out just fine. I promise. If you are worried about just checking off the first kiss box, stop being

@ytuhermanotambien: Hmm, tough love answer? If you ask him outright and he doesn't feel the same, either step away from the cookie jar or prepare to be (more) heartbroken. Speaking from personal experience. But less tough love, it is a difficult situation to be in and I really hope things work out. Hugs!

@cleo_le_fay: My neighbor has his car. I get all excited when I see it, even though my rational side knows it is just boring old man neighbor.

@SallySassyPants: I wonder in what world guys think this is okay? Are they really not embarrassed to be like this? I hope he stops soon. Hugs.

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: It never worked on my face, either! But it definitely works on my body better than the Neutrogena BodyClear stuff, and is way cheaper. I wash my body with regular body wash or soap and then just use the scrub on the parts that break out.

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: I use St. Ives' apricot scrub (or the generic equivalent) on my belly, which will break out if I work out and then don't shower the next second. If someone might see my belly in the next 24 hours, I also put hydrocortisone cream on it, as that makes the redness disappear.

@Mechanical Orange: I loved it! It is a mystery with good character development. It requires a little more concentration than today's mysteries, but is so worth it.

@salsasis14: But I think they respond by sealing themselves up tightly so that they won't be disturbed or eaten! Very Victorian, I suppose.

@scullymurphy: A small snail, actually, so it doesn't even fit in with the whole clam theme. I had to study them for a while in college, and I can guarantee you that there is nothing about a periwinkle that makes me think of any ladybits, especially not a vagina.

Wait, attractive people get paid more... I want numbers to tell me whether I should be staying up late getting my extra work done, or getting more sleep so I am more attractive. Which will get me a better raise???

@ides: We say we are going to "book club," but really...yup, pillow fights.

I'm an empathetic person, and I definitely realize on a rational level that my lesbian friends face most of the same issues I (a straight woman) face in dating, plus their own unique issues. But I still find myself *thinking* it might be easier if I was a lesbian...because I need some imaginary place in the world

@summerisnotaverb: Yep—I'm 5'9" and when I go below 140 my friends chase me around with brownies trying to get me to put on weight to look healthy. I think that might have been a mis-print, or she is hollow.