red team gone

These are the kinds of threads and comments that make me really hate reading Jezebel sometimes. I’m not a white male, and I’d be chanting right alongside those people if I were at the convention. I guess the voices of non-white, non-male protesters don’t count. They are literally never acknowledged. It’s been this way

Sorry, my $750 per month for the shittiest coverage available (under threat of a 2% of my net income penalty of law for not paying it), topped with a $15000 deductible before I see any benefits would beg to differ.

Eve, you know that this guy is probably going to read this article online, that jab at the end about the penis kind of ruined the whole article for me. It’s a very serious topic for Mr. Kepner.

Now playing

VR painting in 3D—like this image of WoW’s Illidan Stormrage—is black magic, and no amount of demos or explanations will convince me otherwise.

pretty sure this is the donald...

1) Joke about WNBA being unpopular
2) Joke about how there are so many ESPNs
3) Joke is an overused reference to a movie from more than five years ago

Congrats, you are now a drive-time sports radio host. Please pick up your bottle of spray tanner and wrap-around sunglasses at the front desk.

“You really gotta pay attention to what’s going on around you.”

Bring a Fire-type. Ice is weak against Fire.

yes. but what about android.

I’ll summarize it for ya...

Dude, TL;DR

Well done Psyonix.

Holy crap run for your life, that thing is huge!

I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.

Well I’ve read stories of just 50+ people at some shopping centre all catching Pokemon and just chatting away with complete strangers, so good gameplay or not it seems to be enough.

You know, I wonder what Iwata would have thought of the success of Pokemon Go. From all the stories I’ve read it seems to be the perfect game for bringing people together at an impressive scale.

Or maybe just make sure your kids are playing Pokemon GO in Canada, where you probably wont get robbed at gunpoint.

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.