red team gone

Go: Go

Fucks sake Nintendo is garbage. Absolute shit.

Hey, they stole Baltimore’s sign.

Or attack the problem at the source.

Hockey is slow paced? The same hockey that required the puck to be highlighted in the US because it moves too fast? The same hockey that is getting massive backlash because there are too many fights?

It helps when people dont use acronyms when trying to spread popularity of something for everyone who has no idea what your talking about.

not just unpopular but stupid as well.

Didn’t take long for “That Guy” to show up

Exactly how Michael Fahey feels while playing Overwatch, by Mark Serrels.

It’s 2016 and everyone is playing Overwatch.

I had no idea who it was. Not used to her having her hair down but I don’t watch her videos so oh fucking well. Some of us don’t care about celebrities. Mostly. Maybe 5-10 people (at most) that it would bother me if they died even though I’ve never met them.

Well then strangle it first and go with the flow.


I’m basically a caveman, left to its own devices, my bush would probably grow to engulf my entire person.

My gf has made it clear that not keeping the hair under control will lead to no blow jobs. So I keep it groomed.

I don’t understand how this is a gender thing. Myself and all my male friends shave there too.

A funny prank is to wake a sleeping fish by dousing it with a bucket of cold air.