red team gone

I would love to see what you consider funny. But I’m sure you’d have to look it up on wikipedia to make sure it actually was funny before laughing. “Damn! It was grounded in truth but it just didn’t spring organically from the circumstance. Not funny.”

Tough crowd.

I did not see that coming.

I find it odd that the footage added emotional weight to the track for me.

How the fuck did an animated comedy about a drunk and irresponsible grandfather and a painfully simple kid doing stupid shit get me emotionally invested?

Fuck you, Rick.

The advantage is the driver isn’t the 1st person to impact the truck.

Help! I’ve Fallon and I can’t get up!

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

So what’s the logic of putting PS4 in the big bold headline, but saying “oh, yeah, Xbox One as well” as an afterthought? If it’s the same game hitting both systems on the same day, why not just say “PS4 and Xbox One” from the get-go?

BoI:R is easily the hardest, yet most rewarding, platinum I’ve ever acheived. Cant wait to dive headlong into the madness and masochism once again.


im upset this was not the first post...

Came here for this.

It’s Twilight Princess all over again.

Haha, Conservative comedy. So funny :|

The girlfriend isn’t named?

Rocket League content drop (Hoops!) and Hearthstone content drop (Whisper of the Old Gods) are the biggest two game releases I’m looking forward to this week.

I. Fucking. Hate. The. *TOXIN* Babble.

It’s sort of a weird mix of Invader Zim, Futurama, and Community. it’s silly and sweet and BRUTALLY cynical, but it’s also meta as hell. There’s never really been anything like it.