red team gone

Help! I’ve Fallon and I can’t get up!

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

So what’s the logic of putting PS4 in the big bold headline, but saying “oh, yeah, Xbox One as well” as an afterthought? If it’s the same game hitting both systems on the same day, why not just say “PS4 and Xbox One” from the get-go?

BoI:R is easily the hardest, yet most rewarding, platinum I’ve ever acheived. Cant wait to dive headlong into the madness and masochism once again.


im upset this was not the first post...

Came here for this.

It’s Twilight Princess all over again.

Haha, Conservative comedy. So funny :|

The girlfriend isn’t named?

Rocket League content drop (Hoops!) and Hearthstone content drop (Whisper of the Old Gods) are the biggest two game releases I’m looking forward to this week.

Dicey? The guy’s out of a job. You ever lose a job because you said something thousands of anonymous individuals found disagreeable?

Down goes another individual for thinking something the hive doesn’t like! We did it, Internet!

I. Fucking. Hate. The. *TOXIN* Babble.

Just buy a fucking PC already.

I would think they’d want a ring-camera rig a la Matrix to get every possible angle and then let a person explore the ‘space’... unencumbring the performers, and letting the viewer be the voyeur able to walk around and see from every angle... close up and standing back.

I’ve seen it all over the place in contention here, but mostly people debating if its ok to call it a career. This seems a little silly to me as its potentially gainful employment whose income can be expanded upon over time and with experience. Why some people are so offended that others are making a buck off this god

It’s been my job for 2-3 years now (Youtube not Twitch) and I don’t think within my lifetime it’ll ever be necessarily accepted. People my age who I talk to about it tend to just get uppity and a bit jealous, and older generations don’t have a clue what I’m talking about.