red team gone

He was the first one of the group to die. He got taken out by the Getman sniper trying to save the little girl.

4 years later he was in Saving Private Ryan.

Reached for comment, the Pats’ head of IT referred to his contract, explaining that “screw with the visiting team’s electronics” is very clear, and if the team only meant for games played at Gillette, they should put it in writing.

He needs his right hand. He needs his left hand. He’s amphibious.

For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.

It was all fun and games until one of the kids challenged him to a game of “Pig.”

No surprise—there hasn’t been a Cup in Edmonton in 25 years.

Have they tried turning it off and back on again?

Meh.. I know folks were hired to come up with his stuff but really, Zelda “timeline” = 100% arbitrary.

Just a little bit of background. This is the Greater Metro Toronto Hockey League (GMHL) which is an “outlaw” junior league operating outside the auspices of Hockey Canada. Basically, they don’t want to play by Hockey Canada’s rules for a whole host of reasons.

Players who play in these leagues are banned from

This is not nearly as fun.

PSN gets articles when it’s down for a day. Because the only online game is Destiny. Xbox gets an article when it’s “malfunctioning” for a couple hours, because it’s the end of the world.

I like most of what this post is about, but I must say that having read kotaku daily for approximately 10 years, the one thing I have issue with is this:

Friendly reminder that government watchlists are bullshit. 4-year-olds have been put on no-fly lists. Nothing worth putting stock in.

This is kind of crappy but there are worse things to worry about. I was watching a playoff football game last night and there was an ad for Donald Trump that ran during where he promised he would block all Muslims from immigrating to the US until we “sort out this radicalism thing” I was literally like holy shit, this

That was just dreadful.

And the currency is called Dong! $1 is roughly equivalent to 20,000 Dong. If you go outside right now and ask how much Dong someone will give you for $1 I bet it won’t be 20,000.

Oh, that’s bullshit. If the NFL is going to let the Rams get returned after all this time, they can give me a prorated refund on this season.