red team gone
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EA’s throwing a Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 multiplayer beta event starting next Thursday, on January 14. The beta, which ends on January 18, will be freely available on PS4 and Xbox One. Check out the GW2 beta page for more info, and eventual download links, if your interest’s piqued.

Wow. I just lost interest in an instant. And honestly, we’re still pretty early in the stage of VR, so it can only go up from here AND be cheaper.

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down

Look at you, Uncle Pennybags

Now playing

2009’s A Boy and His Blob remake is coming to Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4 on January 19. I always heard good things about this one, but never got around to playing it on the Wii!

You’re awesome, Kinja and I don’t always get along.

Helping. :-)

It’s nice, but it could use a touch more rodent.

I throw my trash on the floor like a god damn animal

I throw my trash on the floor like a god damn animal

But that’s the whole point. Who cares what the culture has done with these books, he doesn’t need to find a way to do anything. If he wakes up tomorrow and decides he’s never going to write again, that’s up to him. Not culture

As someone else who didn’t write enough in 2015, I have complete sympathy and solidarity with Mr. Martin’s position. I want him to live a happy and healthy life more than I want him to finish a book series “on time”, and anyone who thinks otherwise should please highly consider growing a conscience.

Good info, but that is the worst most jumbled info graphic I’ve ever seen. The only thing you can glean at a glance is that it is green.

Yes, this comment is the perfect example of a terrible hot take. Railing on GameStop is not being done here. I mention GameStop fixing the issue, and offer a reasonable explanation of why a used game might wind up like this.

Marshawn Lynch - “Lick the gun, lick the gun, lick the gun.” And various other things he said leading up to the Super Bowl.

Why? It’s snl, it won’t be funny

I cannot wait for the SNL skit on this.

And that really inhibited Bridgewater’s ability to beat an awful Bears defense, didn’t it.

Because you can’t read? ;)

So, who reads the sign to Raiders fans?