red team gone

Yeah, you're right. I was out yesterday and saw a bunch of people playing. I went on a pretty lengthy walk too, so I'm definitely getting exercise I wouldn't have before.

Too bad the battles are underwhelming, and that you can’t just battle people near you.

I just watched the clip in the link so far, but thanks! I hadn’t heard of this before.

Consoles are getting afterbirth+, just not the mod support most likely.

Came to post the same thing. What in the hell?

Being an xbox player, I am super stoked for the rocket league update! Hoops, rocket labs, cosmetics, new league rankings, physics + hit boxes update.... So much goodness.

Rocket league. Then I’ll go to work. Then more rocket league. Probably sleep a little. Then more rocket league. Repeat.

Yep. I xbox and play and own!

Holy fucksticks...

Please be like PM: the 1000 year door, please be like PM: the 1000 year door...

Good point, music in fez was excellent. The cube get sound itself was pretty rewarding to hear...

Yeah, I was just describing this to a friend and comparing it to fez (he hadn’t played fez... I know). I have so much love for fez, I wish that fish would be able to just do his thing and make another game.

Fuck. Yes.

The Real platinum God achievement from the binding of isaac: rebirth should be on this list.

Stick and ball? Are these peasant folk you speak of equipped to even understand such a game in our times?

Is there an English version? I really just want a new Zelda, but I'll settle for now....

I guess I'm just glad it's in Japanese. Blinders on! Bring on zelda wii u!

A preference is not an argument. Stop arguing with yourself, it's a waste of time.

When you lose dogmeat, you can always find him in one of the doghouses in sanctuary....there are two or three of them (I got rid of all but one and moved it near my settlement so he's easy to find).

I like most of what this post is about, but I must say that having read kotaku daily for approximately 10 years, the one thing I have issue with is this: