The singer of those songs is Seu Jorge. He’s in the film, playing guitar and singing (on a small boat near a dock, if I recall correctly).
The singer of those songs is Seu Jorge. He’s in the film, playing guitar and singing (on a small boat near a dock, if I recall correctly).
The beta trailer is hilarious and looks fantastic. Really hoping the game looks like what is on display in the trailers. I loved the first one.
Wow! I didn’t know about the 2009 game, but I played the original on nes.... Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but I remember it being an incredibly inventive idea for a game.
Young aspiring grandma?
I got to work both Christmas and Christmas eve, and nothing too great for gifts... But I did manage to squeeze in seeing family, which is what I like about Christmas anyway.
On the plus side for Harvey, I’m pretty sure about 43 people on the planet give a fuck about the miss universe pageant.
An offense can't do much if they're not on the field.
Cool there's a fund for his costs... What a crazy thing...
I have an overflowing bathtub full of jungles the moon monkeys. We should open a shop together.
Well if that’s the case, you could probably romance them in one of your suites, and then select them and point at one of the suits, and they'll get it the armor (suite romance not needed).
James soda? Is that like the Shasta of hipster sodas?
I miss all cave in.
Early 2016 for xbox one and ps4. My guess (and hope) is February.
They aren’t going to release a game that won’t run properly on those consoles. Rebirth had performance issues in the first place on wii u/3DS...with all of the new stuff (synergies, etc) added, it’s proving tough to get it to run well for nicalis.
Xbox one and ps4 releases for afterbirth are coming in early 2016. My guess is February. Tyrones twitter for reference...
It’s coming sometime in 2016. The announcement of new Zelda was what pushed me to buy a wii u, before the Xbox one price drop/kinect drop.
I’m in the preview program, I assume Stephen is also. For me, it’s in a section of the preview program app labeled beta apps and games, so I’m not sure if it’s released for everyone yet.
Nice, and nice work from the op at reddit.... Thanks for this, I was just about to waste a shitload of time manually scrapping junk I have been sitting on.
Exactly. Say one of your needed components for a weapon upgrade is a circuit board. If you use one that comes from an alarm clock (this is not a specific example, I don’t know the exact scrap from an alarm clock), it will use the alarm clock up, including the nuclear material, and the plastic that that it would break…
I’m 95% sure that every single tweet, comment on Tyrones streams, and the Boi blog contain tiny hints related to the puzzle. Edmund loves dropping subtle hints about things.... I’m pretty sure they all have giant grins because it’s working this time.