red team gone

Exactly. Say one of your needed components for a weapon upgrade is a circuit board. If you use one that comes from an alarm clock (this is not a specific example, I don’t know the exact scrap from an alarm clock), it will use the alarm clock up, including the nuclear material, and the plastic that that it would break

I’m 95% sure that every single tweet, comment on Tyrones streams, and the Boi blog contain tiny hints related to the puzzle. Edmund loves dropping subtle hints about things.... I’m pretty sure they all have giant grins because it’s working this time.

Patch is coming mid week, via Edmunds twitter.

Um... It has rogue like elements, but it’s not exactly a one life and you’re dead forever game. You can even acquire items that give you extra lives.... It’s incredible, take a shot, I bet you will thank me for it.

Yep.... I’ve spent far too much time reading the sub. It’s madness. This is an event, not just dlc.

You’re going to be waiting for a bit. It’s only released for pc now... Ps4 by the end of the year, hopefully xbox one sooner than later.

I love this. I love this game, I love Edmund (not like that.... Gross, you guys), and I love that they are (hopefully) stumping the data mining. The only thing that would make this better would be if I could be playing afterbirth, since I have rebirth on xbox.

I’ll just says this, based on your post, you’ve barely scratched the surface of rebirth, let alone afterbirth... Keep playing, there is so much to this game. I can think of 10 uses for dead cat immediately, off the top of my head, and then there is contextual stuff on top of that. Game is super deep. (I wish I wasn’t

Maybe try... I don’t know... NOT fucking with your phone while driving. Crazy idea, I know.

There have been bugs, yes, but that’s the point. The guide menu has only been weird for me during one version, for a couple of days, but even then I just disconnected from my router, reconnected and it was back.

I have a ton of things to say in response to this article.... But I’ll keep it short, Burneko.

The preview build of the new dashboard is awesome. Almost everything is instant or takes 1 to 2 seconds. Coming to everyone on xbox one in November.

UR dum.

Shittiest MMA fight ever.

Additionally, the nxe is in progress right now, and may or may not have anything to do with it.

Polygon did a couple of great pieces about the history of xbox live, and the people that make it all happen. It’s not just some automatic thing that takes care of itself.... It takes a lot of people and a lot of work. They are both pretty interesting reads....…

Oh man... That’s reminding me way too much of what my bedroom looked like in the early 90s, when I was 13. Horrible.

Secrets like this in games bring up interesting questions about game design.

Luke, you really have great taste... I love almost everything you post to kotaku soundtrack (as well as your writing on kotaku, of course).

Yeah, you’re right.