red team gone

I said that when deciding not to buy it. After reading a ton of stuff about destiny after it released, decided it wasn’t for me. Despite it being seemingly cool in a number of ways, I’m glad I never got into it now.

Excited to play this finally. It’s looking gorgeous, and I’m guessing that it’s going to wreck my brain.

I wonder what would happen if a bunch of quad copter owners got together to drop a bunch eggs on douche’s Ferrari.

I love the Commerce posts! Thanks, guys, for telling me about great deals all of the time. Seriously, I don’t have the time to price shop for things, let alone look up stuff I didn’t even know I wanted. Keep up the good work. I like saving money on stuff (also, afterbirth is $6.66 as a steam pre-order until it

I love the Commerce posts! Thanks, guys, for telling me about great deals all of the time. Seriously, I don’t have

Steam only for this release date. Console versions to follow.

Additional details can be found here, also, this release date is for pc only at this point... They are working on the console dlc as well, but no release date yet.

Just picked it up, thanks for the recommendation... Looks cool, I’ll try it after work tonight.

Hmm. I guess that I haven’t heard it... I do love the music that is in rebirth, I would be curious to hear the old stuff....

I’m completely hooked on rebirth, it’s been new to me on xbone, since I don’t have a gaming pc and I’m not a Playstation guy. I love it. I’m hoping I will have rpg before afterbirth, I’m at about 85% now. Not looking forward to the lost runs, I’ve only used him a few times with little success so far.

Additionally, I think I’m going to replay fez in a couple of days. I haven’t replayed it since I 100 percented it. I didn’t figure out all of the puzzles on my own on the first playthrough, but for the stuff I don’t remember, I’m going to try. Guessing I won’t solve the monolith this time.

Also, the brute force with the monolith is a little sad, but it was an incredible feat of crowd sourcing on its own. I would love to see how it is supposed to be solved.

Fez is an incredible game. I’ve never played something that pushed me to come up with the answers to puzzles on my own that much. At least it felt that way playing it. Very little hand holding, yet all of the information you need to solve the puzzles is there. It was very cool to feel like a part of something as the

I don’t think he’s going to make any claims. Sad news, sounded like a great guy....

I also liked in bruges.

There are also major crash problems on xbone.... In addition to graphical glitches, invisible items, missing boss names, etc. Fortunately I’ve only had a crash that killed my run once, otherwise at least I have been able to restart on that floor again.

They should patch my inability to play by putting this out on xbone! Really want to play this. I hath no platform.

Also, I have enjoyed enough gwg games that I will call it great, and it seems to be getting better. Worms, #idarb, ac:bf, others that may not have been my cup of tea, but I tried them because they were free.

For anyone that isn’t in the know, since backwards compatability is a thing on xbone now, you should always “purchase” the free 360 games on every month.

This. 1000 times this.

NBA jam, blades of steel, tecmo (and super) bowl, bases loaded and rbi baseball were old favorites....