
I’m starting to get the impression that you didn’t actually watch the press conference. Either that, or you assume that there was no way to hold a press conference without automatically impugning the victim. The press conference was needed to discredit harmful rumors to the case. The press conference was needed to

Right. Being a POC does not exclude you from participating in and enforcing white supremacy.

I’m not quite sure how many times I have to say I agree with you about revealing the name. Just in case one more will help, here it is: I agree with you that they fucked up in revealing the name. They were bad and wrong and did indeed open this woman and her family up to further harrassment, and we should talk about

How would you have suggested they go about discrediting the rumors that they had mishandled evidence in a way that was clearly communicated to the public?

He was fairly clear that he believed the accuser although her mother seems to be bonkers.

I think, in this case, it DID need to be in a press conference. There was already so much weird, unconfirmed rumor floating around in this case that there’s no way a quiet “we handled it right” would have doused the raging inferno that the evidence bag started. As someone else pointed out, it’s deeply, truly troubling

Her mother brought it into the press with her lies, the D.A absolutely had to respond publicly.

To be fair, I do believe the DA made a point of saying that he did believe the victim and that she had no involvement with the whole evidence bag fiasco. Basically, he more or less stated that it was all mom. Of course, there are a lot of people who care not a hoot for nuance and this probably went right over their

We can commiserate together. At least we still have Hossa.

wooooo hooray for a lifetime of internal conflicts about cheering for the chicago blackhawks

This article slightly misunderstood the news. It’s not that white, poor Americans are dying more than everyone else. It’s that their death rate is increasing more rapidly than anyone else. POC still have higher death rates than whites, but their death rate isn’t changing as rapidly as white Americans. (Probably

Please get yourself help if you really are planning to kill yourself. I understand feeling this way and I understand feeling like you’re not going to change anything or make an impact on anything or anyone but everyone can and does. Even just you existing means something to your loved ones and acquaintances and

I’m forty five. Have owned my own business for 15 years. Some days don’t know how I will make it until next month. Keep going. Not destitute but not wealthy either. Have no close family. Few friends. Recently came out of long term relationship. Drink too much to self medicate. Thought seriously about ‘what is the

I blame the rising popularity of George R.R. Martin. When large numbers of white people start dying, he's probably to blame.

This is a story about poor people who can’t get jobs with any security due to not having advanced education killing themselves or drinking themselves to death.

Just turned 45. Is my advanced degree going to save me?!?

Wow! Jay Z is a good parent who wants things to be baby proofed! WHAT A MONSTER.

But Jay has lots of Blue Ivy demands. For starters, the entire suite must be childproofed with all corners, sharp edges, and electrical outlets all covered, and statues, lamps, and breakable objects removed. Oh, Blue only drinks organic whole milk.

Call me a diva, but these “demands” don’t seem all that crazy? More