
The question is will an all white jury give him more leniency, because of his whiteness. Given that he is mixed, it would be a maybe except that he is Asian. He probably was able to make it as white most of his life.

My one disappointment as a KC resident. We haven’t won a major sports title (minus soccer) in so long, we didn't own any parade floats to put the players on.

Not going to lie, this was only slightly better than Salvy thanking Greinke.

EXACTLY. Like, what was the PTA up to?

So she is getting the women at the bar threatened and putting their safety in danger, but have you looked at her Twitter? She is DOXING other people! She is tweeting the e-mail and IP address of people who disagree with her and threatening them!

She is DOXING other people on Twitter! She is tweeting the e-mail and IP Address of other men and women who don't agree with her!

OH MY GOD. This woman is DOXXING people on Twitter who disagree with her! She is tweeting the e-mail and IP address of men and women who don't support her! She is trying to get other people hurt and injured!

But what if these people were drunk and started fighting your staff? What if the other people came back and started fighting your staff? Why should other people risk their own selves in someone else’s fight?

Dude I usually hate you because you are trash but you are spot on here. Why should this business get involved with a fight between two couples that isn't in their business, where they don't know who is who and why? This woman assumed that the business should assume to do the patriarchal thing and defend her when her

ALL OF THIS!!! Expecting men to be macho for a woman and just protect her is BS, but above all this woman leaves out that it wasn’t just a man assaulting her: she was with her boyfriend and the other guy was with his girlfriend and it was two couples fighting. Why should the bar get involved in that? What bullshit

I don’t think name calling caeklove is helping. I mean I kind of agree: why should some man who doesn’t know you from Kanye get involved in your fights for you? Its incredibly patriarchal to assume men are supposed to be women's protectors.

Except that isn't what happened. The woman was with her boyfriend, and the other guy was with her girlfriend, and both these couples got in a fight. Why would the security guards pick sides in someone else's fight?

Except she got into a fight with another couple. Is "doing good" picking sides in fight you did not start? How were the guards supposed to know who was who? She is assuming that they should have seen one couple or the other as the problem.

I agree with everything you said, except that the employees of the bar should have intervened. They didn’t know who was who, all they saw were people (who were not their customers) getting into a fight on the street. Why should they get involved in someone else's fight?

THIS! Most companies will FIRE employees who get involved in fights. Even security staff. Unless people in your own bar get into a fight the staff can't intervene, its an insurance and liability issue. And how were the bar staff supposed to know who was the "good guy" in this fight? She just assumed that she and her

Except that isn't what happened. She got into a fight with other people, and then she expected Crown Vic to fight it for her. They don't have any business taking sides in other people's fights.

Hughes’ blogpost and social media campaign ostensibly had a positive outcome, in that it resulted in empathy-deficient security personnel losing their jobs.


Not behind her. Soooo many teens (actually usually guys) do this. “NONE OF THIS IS REAL AND YOU ALL DON’T KNOW MY TRUE BEAUTIFUL INNER SELF WAAAAAA.” Its an excuse to not try, and when you do try it is soooooooo much better than those of us with jobs. This is what happens when you come down off your Adderall.

Pheasant, egg, lettuce, hollandaise sauce on wheat. Toasted. FOR BREAKFAST.