
And people say you can’t buy love.

Sadly not all aborted... I’d rather they had been. Lots of them killed in infancy or dumped in horrible orphanages

Aw, poor Liam. Who hasn’t been there? You’re 18, in love, engaged, and then you find out your SO has a condition by which her tongue lolls abnormally whenever a camera is present, wants to bed any and everything bipedal, has a strange thing for large foam fingers bigger than your could ever be :( and insists on

the “poison your food” comment at the end of his “apology” post made me LAAAAAUUUGHHH AND LAAAUUUGH oh my god.

I’m sick and tired of your small-minded stereotypes ofsoutherners, Pinkham. What part of barbecue country makes you think the love between man and smoked-pork products would be frowned upon?

Tell us more about your bacon fantasies.

Images from People Against The White Moose Cafe...

“All vegans are awful SO LET’S SHIT ON THEM” is frequently a trope meat-eaters* like to bust out for a variety of reasons, virtually all of which are ultimately both self-serving and self-aggrandizing.

All of these people are insane and everything about it is hilarious.

It’s drives me fucking crazy when people a) don’t understand words and then b) leap to the wrong conclusions based on their misunderstanding. The way the OP obviously equated “idiosyncratic” with “idiot” was painful to read.


Is Hans Zimmer doing the soundtrack ? It’s not really dramatic unless Hans Zimmer is doing the soundtrack.

True to form the movie will last four hours and end when the Audience decides they’ve had enough and start watching a different movie.

I suppose we should just be thankful Adam Sandler’s not involved.

Does it end with every member of your family in tears and your mother putting your father’s shit on the lawn?

This is all good advice, but I’m still going to keep avoiding eye contact with that masturbating guy on the bus.

Nice article. Now please write one on how to have fewer friends. Friends keep me from TV.

Do not make all of these friends on Twitter dot com.