
Woo hoo! That means I still have a chance with Drake!

I CANNOT wait for Drake’s sad ass song about it this.

Lucky dude. I think Serena is really pretty and clearly talented. Dating an athlete seems difficult just because of their busy schedule, but I bet she’d be really fun to date. Plus he doesn’t have to worry about her just being interested in his money, she has plenty of her own.

Why would she know that he gets tested every 6 months?! I am not saying this dude isn’t a POS. He probably is.
But she made a CHOICE to go back and have unprotected sex with a guy who had already gave her Chlamydia. She isn’t a victim. She is someone who has to face the consequences of her actions and choices.

“He’s a fucking dirtbag” and “she’s an idiot” are not mutually exclusive statements. Both things can be true simulatenously.

she also like casually mentioned that she was plotting to kill him?

But you assume he knows he has it.

That’s not what OP is doing, OP is telling the truth: that everyone needs to take responsibility for their own sexual health. It’s not blaming her. It’s stating a fact—you can’t trust people. And that’s not because everyone is malicious or lying to you, it’s just not safe to have casual sex with people and take them

Ummm no. She got Chlamydia from him TWICE (so she says). After round 1 and you still go back for more sexy time, you bring f*cking condoms.

Well, that’s your problem right there. He’s got a Dick Ass. Who knows whats hiding in that thing?

My favorite part was when Joe Buck broke into the international announcing booth, clubbed Matt Vasgerian to death, and then started broadcasting from there.

This!! He may have given her chlamydia but it’s her stupid ass that was dumb enough to have unsafe sex with him enough times for him to give her chlamydia not once, but twice. Someone needs to grow the fuck up and start acting responsibly. Starting by using condoms! She’s lucky all she got was chlamydia.

totally ignores the actual bad guy in this situation.

Seriously, what person that’s ever had sex ed or is over 16 hasn’t heard of using condoms?


The game (monday nighter?) Favre played when his dad died is still one of the grossest piece of TV I’ve ever seen. The slobbering over him and focus on it was horrific. I get real uncomfortable when sports producers focus so much on death and how games are being played as “tributes”.

That’s kind of unfair to plastic. Plastic is at least useful to society and does its best to be flexible about its ways.

Great interview, although I’d have liked more discussion on solutions — even far-fetched, science fiction ones — rather than individual moral qualms about eating a fish. If there are no solutions, what does that say about us? What does one do? Not eat fish?

Make friends. Do nice things for them.