
Not completely true. I worked at a call centre that required me to provide my high school diploma to ensure I had actually graduated. It took me 2 days to find it.

To be fair, these douchbags aren’t even wearing actual fedoras. They’re wearing trilbies. Go get a legit fedora and go fight some Nazis you crazy kid.

As someone from St. Louis who is moving to Melbourne, I’m never going to get away from the horrible food choices of others am I?

It’s because they don’t care about women.

Yup, they passed it off as her being insubordinate for not narking on someone else in the building. Except, she had no idea what this person supposedly did wrong, so she couldn’t have narked if she wanted to. She was the only one who was fired, so evidently, the other person hadn’t done something truly horrible.

Totally this. My work fired a person about a year ago on trumped up charges, and we all know it was because she has an immune disease and a couple of their children were in and out of the hospital between getting hit with the flu very badly (they got the vacced for it but they ended up getting a strain not covered)

You pronouncing it like it rhymes with ringer too?

I’ve had more than one family member :shivers: come out on Facebook to support Josh Dugger and the rest of his family. “Oh it was just kids playing doctor!” is the most common comment.

I accidentally caught a bouquet once. My friend’s mom got remarried when we were teenagers and her little sister really wanted those flowers (she was like 11). The entire reception I was teasing her saying I was going to get it having no intentions of actually trying for it.

Considering it’s the Duggard family, I highly doubt there was any rehabilitation.

Nope, at 14 you should know better than to sexually assault people.

She was so close to being a Darwin Award nominee.

That was beautiful.

No harm no foul. It’s either use our anger towards something productive or let the abuse rule our lives. Stay strong.

Hot Topic has a Black Widow Pop bobble head. I can’t remember if it’s an exclusive (wouldn’t be surprised). I picked one up the last time I was there.

Your wife is one lucky lady. :salutes:

I’ve been reading through this for hours, mentally going through my own stories (fuck I have so many). I think I’ve remembered the oldest one. I had just turned 10 and a girl in my class invited me to go to a Hanson concert with her. I declined because I wasn’t into boy bands.

That is perfectly acceptable. I would clap.

You can totally crash on my sofa.

Considering the cops will pull your ass over and ticket you if you don't...