Oh I did. I was looking for him. Poor Brian. :(
Oh I did. I was looking for him. Poor Brian. :(
Your slut-shamming seems pretty objectionable.
Yeah, but you can bet if a prosecutor gets the chance, s/he will use it for something similar to that.
That was sarcasm you uncultured swine.
It's so they can charge those slutty teenagers who spread their legs for anyone who get pregnant, miscarry/induce abortion, and hide the fetus.
As a wee tot I called a sucker a fucker. Much laughter by my grandpa and step uncle over that one.
Except your reading comprehension skills are nil and the girl is claiming she was only told of one option, to wear the shame suit.
What is up with creepy math teachers? In junior high I had one that use to jack off behind the podium at the front of the class or at his desk when we were taking tests or in class homework (his term).
I wouldn't have. It's not my responsibility. They're owned by the school. They can wash it.
Hell, my school made you give them back their version of the shame suit at the end of the day.
Not at my high school. My male cousin wore tank tops all the time. One laundry day I didn't have anything but a wide strapped (covered my entire shoulder) tank top so I wore it. He ended up wearing a tank the same day. When a teacher told me I had to put my hoodie on or wear one of their shirts (similar to what the…
I got one that was on my cheek while at work yesterday. I swear that thing came out of no where. So satisfying to get rid of it.
Ultimate bonus points because the author got the idea for the book from Doctor Who.
I always thought it was just a St. Louis thing (from there myself). I didn't realize it had spread...
Even the oink?!
Walmart does this thing called cross training. Say you're in maintenance or an associate in the pet department, you get cross trained on the cash register so Walmart doesn't have to hire more cashiers and pay them a quarter more. Instead, they just call up associates from other departments (that then leave those…
This might be that time. The 'child' in question is 18.
Someone's reading comprehension is lacking here and it isn't mine.
I just told someone at State Farm to stop spamming my phone with text messages, or I'll put their number on Craig's List under Casual Encounters. I'm so tired of insurance recruiters bothering me.
Civil law suit against who ever tried/did kick the woman out. That and bad PR.
It doesn't matter. Thailand has made abortion illegal in most cases. From what I've seen, the fetus having downs wouldn't have qualified under the law.