
Yeah, my Aussie gave me a "I'll think about it". His father is English so I doubt it. He was very willing to dress up as a Roman Centurion though...

Because it's always the popular athlete. They were the douchbags couldn't be touched because they had to go score a touchdown blah blah blah.

Yeah, this chick has some serious old person face.

We are, knotting dildos have pumps and stuff. I stumbled across them looking at vibrators once. Not brave enough to try it...

Go listen to the song Blurred Lines.

Sorry, sweetie. I'm not that cheap.

I'm with Nicole. I've been out of high school for 7 years now. I'll take adulthood over junior high any day. Oh noes I have to pay a few bills and make my own dinner. So the fuck what.

I think most people still have high hopes.

I'm going to take a leaf out of the book people have been using about the Hobby Lobby ruling. If you don't want to get drug tested in order to work for a company, find a different place to work. You don't have to work there.

I'll add to your crowdsourcing!

I've read the original and the improved version where the girl tells the narrator to fuck off and if he wanted to date her he should have spoken up.

Toots? Really? Stop with the condescending bullshit.

Yeah, uncomfortable bras for sexy time is fine too. They don't stay on long enough to be too annoying.

I'm 26 and I haven't worn panties since I was 12 years old (unless I absolutely couldn't get away with it or if I want my man to take them off me for sexy time). They are so uncomfortable.

If you don't want to spend the money on Urban Decay, Rimmel has some great primers. I've been using Rimmel Exaggerate Undercover Shadow Primer. Just dab some on, gently rub it over where you want to put your eyeshadow, let it dry for a minute or so, and apply eyeshadow.

This reminds me about when I was 17 and my parents were splitting. My father started threatening to kill himself (something he did every time something didn't go his way). My mom and I moved into a trailer 3-4 miles away, and my brother stayed at the house with my father. Well, the next day he drops my brother off at

Do it. It will be so worth it.

So my father (married to my mother at the time) raping and beating her 3 weeks after my birth is the work of a "good man". Huh, I'll have to tell my mother this. I'm sure it will make her go running back to him...

I doubt that since the whole point is to have something that's vibrating...

I'll have to tell that one to my old boss. Him and his wife were from China and had a little Buddha alter at the back of the kitchen and burned incense.