
Daryl's turned into a filthy mope. I miss the strong, slightly dirty but sexy, sometimes even funny Daryl.

Agree. The writers this season SUCK so bad, compared to the early days. They don't get it. The s-l-o-w pacing, the weird ways they have the characters acting, whole episodes about people we don't care about, Negan-talking people to death, ugh. I DVR it & end up FF-ing thru most episodes now.

Those dumb writers still think that's a good trick. Dopes.

Same writers who still think "Faking someone's death" is a good idea. Dopes.

Just wait till Mad Max shows up. THEN all will be fine!

The writers on the show think the "death fake out" is still a good move. UGH.

Least they are real…

So bad it made the fake tiger look good tho.

She got Carl & Judith, reason to go on now. So I didn't buy it.

More kick a$$, do what gotta be done Carol, not weepy, wishy-washy Carol please.

Best episode all season. Some actual lightness & hope…maybe. Good to see Richonne getting some screen time. They make a good pair.
But the writers have been so lousy these past two seasons. Can they just STOP with the fake-out deaths? They did it to Glenn & Daryl last season, now Rick. Just stop. And who really

Daryl in the shower…back in the day (up till they left the prison) I'd have paid to see that. Used to be sexy & funny. Now he's gross & morose.

I gotta say, I don't watch it anymore, but got sucked in tonight cause of Caryl…but I keep up online. I FFW'd thru the rest pretty much.

& Daryl will be like that long-haired feral kid always hanging off his vehicle

Mad Max 1 2 & 3!!

Too expensive to green screen his hand out of every episode. (Cripes they cant even make the tiger look semi-real. Let's not even talk about the garbage dump.)
So I'm betting they go with "bad infection cripples the hand" so it's still there but useless, so sorta like in the comic but cheaper.

Dead on Rodent!

Spotlight? She's done for…bye Rosita

Dead on. He's gone WAY over the top with the filth.

Really? I think the tiger looks like crap. But I agree about the CGi dump.