
And having to explain what "bumping uglies" means when Merle says it to Andrea. God, I miss Merle, popping in/out of the storyline.

Yeah - good idea. More stories about people we don't care about.

& don't forget those several interesting "Negan - the back story" episodes, I'm sure they'll want us to sit thru. Remember how fascinating the Governor's "back story" episodes were? Nope, me neither.

I can't even watch Talking Dead anymore. I get that it's Harwick's job to pump the show but watching him get so wildly excited about the lamest of episodes, totally turned me off.

I love that the comments are always better than the show. Bravo guys!

Please go to Hollywood & get a job writing for this show! That is classic.

He & his sucky writers.

By LATELY you mean last season too? With the "oh Glen's dead. Nope he's under the dumpster". And "oh Daryl got shot, is he dead? Nope". Then that wonderful fade to black fake out that was the season finale.

Dead on Alex! Just like the Governor. Dreading the several Negan "back episodes" explaining how he turned into Snidley Whiplash, that I'm sure they have planned for next season.

I liked it too. That's where we figured out who was who & what made them tick. What a scumbag Shane was (Otis?), how stupid Andrea was, how awesome Daryl was, how Glenn started getting laid WAY above his pay grade, Dale "mother-hening" everyone, how Rick had to deal with that miserable wife of his…

I'd settle for them just having a PLAN, instead of wandering aimlessly, taking over people's camps & getting them killed.

"Gonna be the BEST EVER"…

Bah ha ha! Still falling for them saying "gonna be the best ever…" huh? The "best ever" finale last year, now gonna be the "best ever" finale this year, then the "best season ever" this year. Nope that's now next year when they go to war with Negan. That's gonna be the best ever, just you wait. UGH.
If I had a nickel

Fine point Phil!

Nope. Tune in for the "really awesome" finale & you'll save yourself like 8 hours of your life & be fully caught up..

LMAO Mr.Roper.

Welcome to Season 7. And it never ends. Blame the writers.

I can't even watch Talking Dead anymore. All Chris Hardwick does is lick their boots & tell them how great they are. I know…it's his job. But the writers are SO out of touch.

THIS episode? CGI has sucked all year. That tiger, ugh. The deer? Let's not even mention the dump…

aka "Lunchmeat". I still miss Zach from the prison, who was so funny trying to guess what Daryl's job was. You know, back when the show used to have some humor in it.