
They have screwed up more than just Carol! Making her so wishy-washy I can't stand her anymore. Same thing with Morgan (so annoying) & Daryl (a filthy mope now, when he used to be kinda funny & sexy).

TWD Writers frantically writing this down…we'll be getting some full episodes on the Footglovers next season…

The tiger is really lame looking. So fake.

OMG sleep with Daryl now? He used to be hot, like in Season 1 & 2 but now it'd be like sleeping with the guy from the dumpster behind McDonalds. Gross. Too bad, he WAS hot.

Who writes for this show & thought THAT language was a good idea? & NO ONE said "hey it's only been 3 years, why would they talk like that"? I kept waiting for Mad Max to show up & offer to help Rick out.

Shiva is the most fake looking CGI tiger ever though. That cut into my liking that scene. They got no real tigers in GA?

Daryl HAD sex appeal, back in like Season 1 & 2. Now he looks worse that our local homeless guy. Really gross.
I agree about the puffy eyes, I wonder if that is why they don't wash or cut his hair, cause Norman Reedus don't want his puffy eyes showing.

Made me laugh out loud - thanks!

Do they think that we the people are not smart enough to juggle TWO stories in an episode?

I bailed on the show after last springs third cliffhanger, but still read the spoilers (obviously), kinda like quitting smoking with nicotine gum I think. Not really interested in going back though.

I'm thinking the ladies, (myself included) go WAY WAY less crazy for him since he started rocking the "filthy guy who lives in a dumpster" look. "Hey guys, let's take the smart, funny, sexy guy & turn him into a stupid, filthy mope…" Great idea.

Eating baby food, toddling around, pooping her pants, sitting in her playpen listening to people talk about how badazz Negan is…the genius's who write for this show definitely could get an hour on Judith.

"Coral" instead of Carl lol

Totally unlikable family, I agree. I stuck with it, but was like "ugh I hate these people, someone please eat them".

Oh God NO! Rick went nuts for a whole season when Lori died and he didn't even like her. They off one of the kids or Michonne and I'd off myself cause I couldn't take another season of Crazy Rick!
And Rick's been full of BAD ideas this season (let's herd the million walkers OUT of the quarry instead of burning them or

And why were Carol & Michonne given the night off? You'd think they'd be standing there with their pal Rick.

I had to rewind like twice to actually understand WHAT she said. Then I had to translate that into English.

Then he's been one busy guy with all the W walkers running around. It's not an M.

Growing season is short on Martha's Vineyard & the winters suck (9 feet of snow this winter). After the ZA I'm leaving New England for some island off Key West….

Rick is reminding me of Shane, acting all paranoid, crazy & coveting some other guys wife. Didn't like Shane, don't like Rick right now. Interested to see what Daryl & Aaron find in regard to the "W".