Remembered that the president controls less than we think and that this is hardly the first time we’ve had a shitty conservative president.
Remembered that the president controls less than we think and that this is hardly the first time we’ve had a shitty conservative president.
Yeah, but this shitty conservative president has both houses of Congress and the SCOTUS. They can and will do things no decent person would dream of.
Remembered that the president controls less than we think and that this is hardly the first time we’ve had a shitty conservative president. Went back to everyday life.
A Pence presidency might be just as dangerous.
One bright note, he may be a problem that solves himself by getting impeached.
Conservatives have been slinging crap at Obama for 8 years, but now that Trump is elected it’s time to deal with it and get along?
I hope everyone can work together, but I’m not holding my breath.
Oh, now it’s time? No, it’s been time since the dawn of this country. It’ll never happen.
Trump himself literally said that he wouldn’t accept the results of the election if he lost. Just remember that.
I’ll take the tantrums over the cross burning.
The two ladies in my office. Both young moms of girls. One actually said (not paraphrasing) “well I didn’t like either candidate but my husband owns a business so, you know, Trump being a business man, it makes more sense.”
The 52% of white women who voted for Trump are the ones that really boggle my mind. I just don’t get it. I should start telling them to shut their mouths and assign them ratings based on looks. Then I can just grab their pussies to shut them up.
White women voted in favor of Trump 53 to 43 according to exit polls. White men aren’t alone in causing this mess. White women were right along with them as usual.
This is the darkest timeline.
Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.
I work in a restaurant and the number of adult humans who blow their nose into their dinner napkin at the table is staggering.
It’s a small consolation, but as long as Trump isn’t in office, I’ll take it.
All I saw was shiny legs, then I read a comment saying it’s paint here, and now all I see is paint. The mind is weird.
His Burt was so good, Celeb Jeopardy skits were created for him to use it. And we are all better for it.
Or “I wasn’t talking about someone who shills insurance to old people on late night TV.”
There’s a channel that shows old Johnny Carson-era Tonight Show shows (man, that’s a lot of shows in one sentence).