And in 20 years when people buy their kid their first car all these used, speedy EVs will kill them all.
And in 20 years when people buy their kid their first car all these used, speedy EVs will kill them all.
Wire you so plussed about this? I hope some of the Commentariat can defuse your situation.
Dude, you need to relax. Try some meditation, or calming yourself and softly saying “ohm... ohm... ohm...” Find your center.
I’m shocked they haven’t used this before. It’s kind of a grounded name that’s still current, and has a positive feel. Wattever. I’m sure they will charge an arm and a leg for it, anyway.
You’re welcome.
Mm financially comfortable white people, who likely identify as liberal or moderate (it is Austin), calling the police on Chicano/Black/etc., folks because they don’t like something they’re doing peacefully. As MLK said, ‘
BTW, I think your use of urban sprawl is incorrect in this blog. Austin is and has been a…
The original article in TM quoted one of the new residents badmouthing the gatherings as an exhibition of “toxic masculinity.”
Is OK - they’re tugging on it
So it drew a dick, then got stuck in the mouth of the Suez and there aren’t enough seamen with enough thrust to push it out. And the longer it’s in there, the more screwed we are...
a panda?
On the non-ice surface, whipping shitties required a little more attention than it would in say, a WRX STI.
I dunno.. it’s this weird mix of looking aggressive and bland at the same time. And stop it with the full length DRL’s on the front. We don’t need Tron cars on the road already.
The price/performance ratio of this vs the GTI just never made sense to me.
I always put stuff like this (that will be priced in 40k-50k range) a solid step above hot-hatches. I want hot-hatches to be like, entry miata price.
I remember seeing someone photographing a model on a street when my wife and I visited. The model was exactly what I thought a model would look like based on pictures. About 6'2" and under 90 lbs. My wife talked about how stunning this woman was, but all I could think we Black Jeopardy.
Maybe it’s the two-tone paint, but this is giving me tons of Peugeot vibes.
I checked the museum’s 3 (!) Dauphines...and I believe they are all US market cars. As nlpnt said, it seems the sealed beam units we got in the States failed to have a “town light” incorporated into the housing. However, the manual that came with the car mentions a 4 position headlight switch....I tried all three out,…
Well yeah....
“Kidnapped”? Strong word for ride-share.
That’s a driver failure.